[*** \mathrm{settle}^1] | ˈsedl |
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〈2者が〉 «…と/…を求めて» 和解する, 仲直りする «with/for»
e.g. every effort was made to settle the dispute.
〈訴訟・論争・けんかなど〉を解決する, …の決着をつける
e.g. no object : he sued for libel and then settled out of court
e.g. the matter was settled out of court.
〈人が〉〈事〉を決定する; 〖it is ~d that節/wh節〗 …ということ, …かが決まっている
e.g. exactly what goes into the legislation has not been settled
e.g. no object : they had not yet settled on a date for the wedding.
⦅かたく⦆ (旅行・死の前に)〈財産・身辺など〉を整理する
settle for A: (一歩譲って)A〈物・事〉で我慢しておく, (我慢して)A〈事・物〉で手を打つ (!Aは〖名詞〗〖動名〗; 受け身にしない)
e.g. it was too cold for champagne so they settled for a cup of tea.
【人に】〈勘定・借金など〉を払う «to»
e.g. his bill was settled by charge card
«…と» 清算する, 支払いをすませる «with»
e.g. no object : I settled up with your brother for my board and lodging.
〘法〙 【人に】〈財産など〉を譲る, 贈与する «on, upon»
〖settle+副詞〗 〈人が〉定住する, 落ち着く; 植民する (!〖副詞〗はin, intoなどを伴う場所の表現)
e.g. one day I will settle down and raise a family.
e.g. in 1863 the family settled in London.
e.g. European immigrants settled much of Australia.
e.g. he had settled into his new job
e.g. she settled in happily with a foster family.
〈人が〉 【仕事・行為などに】(落ち着いて)集中する «to» ; «…することに» 集中する «to do»
e.g. Catherine settled down to her studies.
〈神経・腹などが〉落ち着く, 鎮静する
e.g. no object : after a few months the controversy settled down
〖settle A+副詞〗 (心地よい姿勢に)A〈人〉を落ち着かせる; 〖~ oneself〗 落ち着く(down, back)
e.g. with object : try to settle your puppy down before going to bed.
e.g. he told me to hold my tongue or he would find a way to settle me.
〖settle+副詞〗 〈人が〉(心地よい姿勢に)落ち着く, (ゆったりと)座る, 寝転がる (!〖副詞〗は場所・様態の表現)
e.g. he settled into an armchair.
〖settle A+副詞〗 (心地よい姿勢に)A〈人〉を落ち着かせる; 〖~ oneself〗 落ち着く(down, back)
e.g. she allowed him to settle her in the taxi.
e.g. she settled her bag on her shoulder.
〖settle+副詞〗 〈ほこり・かす・雪などが〉積もる, たまる (!〖副詞〗はon, to, into, inなどを伴う場所などの表現)
e.g. dust from the mill had settled on the roof.
e.g. sediment settles near the bottom of the tank
e.g. he pours a glass and leaves it on the bar to settle.
e.g. they listened to the soft ticking and creaking as the house settled.
settle one's affairs (or estate)
make any necessary arrangements, such as writing a will, before one's death.
settle someone's hash
see hash1.
[*** \mathrm{settle}^2] | ˈsedl |
a wooden bench with a high back and arms, typically incorporating a box under the seat.
Old English setl‘a place to sit’, of Germanic origin; related to German Sessel and Latin sella ‘seat’, also to sit.