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[*** \mathrm{choke}^1] |CHōk|

1. no object (of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air:
«…で» 窒息する, 呼吸困難になる, むせる «on, over»
e.g. Willie choked on a mouthful of soda.
with object hinder or obstruct the breathing of (a person or animal) by choking.
…を窒息させる, 呼吸困難にする, むせさせる
with object (choke something down) swallow something with difficulty:
e.g. I attempted to choke down supper.
with object prevent (a plant) from growing by depriving it of light, air, or nourishment:
〈雑草などが〉〈植物〉を枯らす; …の成長[勢い]を妨げる.
e.g. the bracken will choke the wild gladiolus.
with object prevent or suppress (the occurrence of something):
e.g. higher rates of interest choke off investment demand.
no object informal (in sports) fail to perform at a crucial point of a game or contest owing to a failure of nerve:
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ (スポーツなどで)(緊張して)しくじる, ヘマをする.
e.g. we were the only team not to choke when it came to the crunch.
2. with object (often be choked with) fill (a passage or space), especially so as to make movement difficult or impossible:
【物・人などで】〈場所〉をいっぱいにする, ふさぐ(up) «with» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the roads were choked with traffic.
3. with object overwhelm and make (someone) speechless with a strong and typically negative feeling or emotion:
【感情の高まりなどで】〈声・言葉〉を詰まらせる, つかえさせる(up) «with» (!しばしば受け身で) ; = choke something out
e.g. she was choked with angry emotion.
〈声・言葉が〉 【感情の高まりなどで】詰まる, つかえる(up) «with»
e.g. no object : I just choked up reading it.
e.g. Liz was choking back her anger.
4. with object enrich the fuel mixture in (a gasoline engine) by reducing the intake of air.

1. a valve in the carburetor of a gasoline engine that is used to reduce the amount of air in the fuel mixture when the engine is started.
〖通例the ~〗 (自動車などの)チョーク, 空気調節装置〘エンジンへ送る空気の量を減らしてスタートしやすくする装置〙
a narrowed part of a shotgun bore near the muzzle, serving to restrict the spread of the shot.
an electrical inductor, especially an inductance coil used to smooth the variations of an alternating current or to alter its phase.
2. an action or sound of a person or animal having or seeming to have difficulty in breathing:
窒息; むせぶ声[音]
e.g. a little choke of laughter.

(in sports) grip (a bat, racket, etc.) further from the narrow end than is usual:
e.g. he choked up on the bat a few inches.


[*** \mathrm{choke}^2] |CHōk|

the inedible mass of silky fibers at the center of a globe artichoke.

late 17th century: probably a confusion of the ending of artichoke with choke1.