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source: [鋼の錬金術師のエドがオートメイルの神経を繋ぐ痛みでビクンッとする|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 347234]

1. (in the body) a whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs:
神経; 神経繊維(nerve fiber)
e.g. the optic nerve.
2. (often one's nerve) a person's steadiness, courage, and sense of purpose when facing a demanding situation:
勇気, 沈着
e.g. an amazing journey that tested her nerves to the full
e.g. the army's commanders were beginning to lose their nerve
e.g. I got up the nerve to ask Miss Kinnian to have dinner with me.
informal impudence or audacity:
⦅くだけた話⦆ ; 〖時にa ~〗 厚かましさ, ずうずうしさ, ずぶとさ; 生意気
e.g. he had the nerve to insult my cooking
e.g. in singular : you've got a nerve coming here.
〖~s; 複数扱い〗 神経過敏, いらだち, 心配, 緊張
e.g. his first-night nerves soon disappeared.
4. Botany a prominent unbranched rib in a leaf, especially in the midrib of the leaf of a moss.
〘植〙 葉脈; 翅(し)脈 〘虫〙 .

verb (nerve oneself)
⦅書⦆ ; 〖~ oneself to do/for A〗 …しようと, Aのために勇気を奮い起こす, 奮起する
e.g. she nerved herself to enter the room.

informal irritate or annoy someone.

not be easily upset or frightened.

make every possible effort. from the earlier sense of nerve as ‘tendon, sinew’.

touch (or hit) a nerve (or a raw nerve)
provoke a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic: there are signs that some comments strike a raw nerve.

a struggle in which opponents try to wear each other down by psychological means.

see bundle.

nerved | nərvd | adjective
usually in combination : she was still raw-nerved from reliving the past

late Middle English (also in the sense ‘tendon, sinew’): from Latin nervus; related to Greek neuronnerve’ (see neuron).