verb with object
〈人などが〉 «…で» 〈人〉を襲う «with» ; (戦争で)〈軍などが〉〈敵・場所など〉を攻撃する
e.g. in December, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
〈敵などが〉襲う, 攻撃する.
e.g. no object : Italian forces attacked in October.
e.g. a doctor was attacked by two youths.
〈病気などが〉〈人・体の部位〉を冒す; 〈害虫などが〉…に害を与える
e.g. the disease is thought to attack certain cells in the brain.
«…のことで/…だと» 〈人など〉を痛烈に批判する «for (doing)/as»
e.g. he attacked the government's defense policy.
〈問題〉に取り組む, 着手する
e.g. a plan of action to attack unemployment.
e.g. (as adjective
attacking) : the home team showed some good attacking play.
«…への/…からの» 攻撃, 襲撃, 暴力; U(戦闘での)攻撃; (害虫などの)攻撃 (!具体例ではan ~/~s; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う ) «on, against/from»
e.g. he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint
e.g. three classrooms were gutted in the arson attack.
e.g. the tissue is open to attack by fungus.
発病, 発作; (ある感情・症状に)突然襲われること
e.g. an attack of nausea
e.g. an asthma attack.
批判, 酷評 (!具体例ではan ~/~s; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う)
e.g. he launched a stinging attack on the White House.
〖具体例では可算〗 «…への» 措置, 対策; 開始, 着手 «on»
e.g. an attack on inflation.
〘楽〙 アタック〘音・旋律の出だし〙
e.g. the sheer attack of Hendrix's playing.
subject to aggressive, violent, or harmful action:
e.g. his paintings have come under attack for their satanic content.