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[*** \mathrm{tender}^1] |ˈtendər|

adjective (tenderer, tenderest)
1. showing gentleness and concern or sympathy:
〈人・行為などが〉優しい, 愛情のこもった(loving); 〈心などが〉情にもろい
e.g. he was being so kind and tender.
predicative (tender of) archaic solicitous of; concerned for:
⦅古⦆ ; 〖be ~〗 «…に» 気を配る, 用心する «of» .
e.g. be tender of a lady's reputation.
2. (of food) easy to cut or chew; not tough:
〈肉・野菜などが〉柔らかい, かみやすい(↔ tough)
e.g. tender green beans.
3. (of a part of the body) sensitive to pain:
〈体の一部が〉敏感な, きゃしゃな; 〈傷口が〉触れると痛い
e.g. the pale, tender skin of her forearm.
〈植物が〉(寒暖などに)弱い, 傷みやすい
requiring tact or careful handling:
e.g. the issue of conscription was a particularly tender one.
⦅文⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗まだ若い, 幼い, 未熟な〈年齢〉
e.g. at the tender age of five.
5. Nautical (of a ship) leaning or readily inclined to roll in response to the wind.

used ironically to imply that someone cannot be trusted to look after or treat someone else kindly or well:
e.g. they have abandoned their children to the tender mercies of the social services.


[*** \mathrm{tender}^2] |ˈtendər|

verb with object
offer or present (something) formally:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉〈辞表・提案など〉を提出する, 差し出す; 〈援助など〉を申し出る; 〖~ A B/B to A〗 A〈人〉にB〈物・事〉を提出[提案]する
e.g. he tendered his resignation as leader.
⦅やや古⦆ 〈賃金など〉を支払う; 〘法〙 〈弁済〉の提供を行う.
e.g. she tendered her fare.
no object make a formal written offer to carry out work, supply goods, or buy land, shares, or another asset for a stated fixed price:
⦅英⦆ 〈会社・人が〉 【仕事・商品などの】入札をする, 請け負う «for»
e.g. firms of interior decorators have been tendering for the work.
with object make a formal offer giving (a stated fixed price):
e.g. what price should we tender for a contract?

an offer to carry out work, supply goods, or buy land, shares, or another asset at a stated fixed price.
(正式の)申し込み, 提出; ⦅主に英⦆ 入札, 請負見積書

seek offers to carry out work or supply goods at a stated fixed price.

tenderer |ˈtend(ə)rər| noun

mid 16th century (as a legal term meaning ‘formally offer a plea or evidence, or money to discharge a debt’, also as a noun denoting such an offer): from Old French tendre, from Latin tendere ‘to stretch, hold forth’ (see tend1).

[*** \mathrm{tender}^3] |ˈtendər|

1. a boat used to ferry people and supplies to and from a ship.
補給船, はしけ〘本船と陸を行き来して, 乗客・荷物などを運ぶ小船〙
2. a railcar coupled to a steam locomotive to carry fuel and water.
3. usually in combination or with modifier a person who looks after someone else or a machine or place:
〖しばしば複合語で〗(…の)番人; (特に子供などの)世話人, 看護人.
e.g. Alexei signaled to one of the engine tenders.

late Middle English (in the sense ‘attendant, nurse’): from tend2 or shortening of attender (see attend).