generated at
con- (expressing intensive force) + cerneresift, discern

point CARE, CONCERN, SOLICITUDE, ANXIETY, WORRY mean a troubled or engrossed state of mind or the thing that causes this.
CARE implies oppression of the mind weighed down by responsibility or disquieted by apprehension.
e.g. a face worn by years of care
CONCERN implies a troubled state of mind because of personal interest, relation, or affection.
e.g. crimes caused concern in the neighborhood
SOLICITUDE implies great concern and connotes either thoughtful or hovering attentiveness toward another.
e.g. acted with typical maternal solicitude
ANXIETY stresses anguished uncertainty or fear of misfortune or failure.
e.g. plagued by anxiety and self-doubt
WORRY suggests fretting over matters that may or may not be real cause for anxiety.
e.g. financial worries

source: [未確認で進行形の夜ノ森小紅が不安になっているGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 44110]

verb with object
1. relate to; be about:
〈本・話などが〉〈人・物・事〉にかかわる, …についてのものである(be about)
e.g. the story concerns a friend of mine
e.g. (be concerned with) : this fable is concerned with forgiveness and redemption.
〈事などが〉〈人など〉に関係する, 影響を与える, 重要である
e.g. many thanks to all concerned
e.g. they should not pry into what does not concern them.
〖~ oneself〗 «…に» かかわる, 関与, 関係する «with, about, in»
e.g. we need not concern ourselves with the semantics of this language.
(be concerned in) formal have a specific connection with or responsibility for:
e.g. the organs concerned in digestion and in blood-making.
e.g. I was mainly concerned with making something that children could enjoy.
2. worry (someone); make anxious:
〈事などが〉〈人など〉を心配させる(worry); 〖~ oneself〗 «…を» 気にかける «with, about, in»
e.g. the roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in
e.g. you must not concern yourself about me.

«事についての/人・事に対する/…ではないかという» 心配, 懸念, 不安 «about, over, with/for/that節» (→ worry名詞1)
e.g. such unsatisfactory work gives cause for concern.
«…についての» (個々の具体的な)心配(事), 心配の種, 懸念(材料) «about»
e.g. the new techniques raise some safety concerns.
2. a matter of interest or importance to someone:
〖通例one's ~〗 関心事, 関心の対象
e.g. oil reserves are the concern of the Energy Department
e.g. the survival of an endangered species is of concern to wildlife biologists.
〖時に~s〗 【人にとっての】(重要な)事, 問題 «to»
e.g. public awareness of Aboriginal concerns.
3. a business; a firm:
⦅かたく⦆ (ある特定の)事業, 企業, 会社
e.g. a small, debt-ridden concern.
4. informal, dated a complicated or awkward object or structure.

as (or so) far as —— is concerned
as regards the interests or case of ——:
e.g. the measures are irrelevant as far as inflation is concerned.

formal have nothing to do with:
e.g. drama seemed to have no concern with “truth” at all.

a formula placed at the beginning of a letter or document when the identity of the reader or readers is unknown.

late Middle English: from French concerner or late Latin concernere (in medieval Latin ‘be relevant to’), from con- (expressing intensive force) + cerneresift, discern’.