generated at

point CARE, CONCERN, SOLICITUDE, ANXIETY, WORRY mean a troubled or engrossed state of mind or the thing that causes this.
e.g. a face worn by years of care
CONCERN implies a troubled state of mind because of personal interest, relation, or affection.
e.g. crimes caused concern in the neighborhood
SOLICITUDE implies great concern and connotes either thoughtful or hovering attentiveness toward another.
e.g. acted with typical maternal solicitude
ANXIETY stresses anguished uncertainty or fear of misfortune or failure.
e.g. plagued by anxiety and self-doubt
WORRY suggests fretting over matters that may or may not be real cause for anxiety.
e.g. financial worries

1. the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something:
(病人・老人・子供などに対する)世話, 介護, 保護; 管理, 監督
e.g. the care of the elderly
e.g. the child is safe in the care of her grandparents.
2. serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk:
(誤り・損害などを避けるための)注意, 用心, 心遣い
e.g. he planned his departure with great care.
関心事, 注意すべき[なすべき]事, 責任.
e.g. the cares of family life.
a feeling of or occasion for anxiety:
⦅文⦆ 心配, 気苦労, 懸念, 悲しみ (!具体例ではa ~/~s)
e.g. she was driving along without a care in the world.

verb no object
1. often with negative feel concern or interest; attach importance to something:
〖しばしば否定文・疑問文で〗(重要性を感じて) 【物・事に】関心がある, «…が» 気になる «about» ; 〖否定文で〗 «…しても» 気にしない, かまわない «if節»
e.g. they don't care about human life
e.g. with clause : I don't care what she says.
〖しばしば否定文・疑問文で〗(健康・幸福などを願って) 【人のことを】心配する, 気にかける «about, for»
e.g. you care very deeply for him.
(care for something/care to do something) like or be willing to do or have something:
⦅かたい話・丁寧に⦆ 〖疑問文・否定文・条件節で〗; 〖would care to do〗 …することを希望する
e.g. would you care for some tea?
⦅やや古⦆ 〖通例否定文・比較節で〗 «…するのを» 好む, 欲する «to do»
e.g. I don't care to listen to him.
2. (care for) look after and provide for the needs of:
e.g. he has numerous animals to care for.

at the address of:
e.g. write to me care of Anne.

I (or he, she, etc.) couldn't care less
informal used to express complete indifference:
e.g. he couldn't care less about football.

I (or he, she, etc,) could care less
North American informal used to express complete indifference:
e.g. I could care less about award shows.

for all you care (or he, she, etc. cares)
informal used to indicate that someone feels no interest or concern:
e.g. I could drown for all you care.

often in imperative dated be cautious:
e.g. “Have a care!” she warned.

1. often in imperative be cautious; keep oneself safe:
e.g. take care if you're planning to go out tonight.
said to someone on leaving them:
e.g. take care, see you soon.
2. with infinitive make sure of doing something:
e.g. he would take care to provide himself with an escape clause.

1. keep (someone or something) safe and provided for:
e.g. I can take care of myself.
2. deal with (something):
e.g. he has the tools to take care of the electrical problem.

Old English caru (noun), carian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Old High German charagrief, lament’, charongrieve’, and Old Norse kǫrsickbed’.