〖具体例では可算〗 «危害・損害などの/…という» 恐れ, 危険(性), リスク «of/that節» (!
dangerより高い確率で, 自ら招いて起こる危機
e.g. flouting the law was too much of a risk
e.g. all outdoor activities carry an element of risk.
e.g. reduce the risk of heart disease
e.g. as modifier : a high consumption of caffeine was suggested as a risk factor for loss of bone mass.
«…にとっての» 危険因子, 有害なもの «to»
e.g. she's a security risk
e.g. gloss paint can burn strongly and pose a fire risk.
(保険の)危険度, 率, リスク
with adjective a person or thing regarded as
likely to
turn out well or
badly, as specified, in a particular context or respect:
〖形容詞を伴って〗被保険者, 物
e.g. Western banks regarded Romania as a good risk.
e.g. as modifier : project finance is essentially an exercise in risk management.
verb with object
〈財産・命など〉を危険にさらす; «…に» 〈金など〉を賭ける «on» .
e.g. he risked his life to save his dog.
〈敗北・死など〉の危機に陥る; 〖~ doing〗 …する恐れがある
e.g. unless you're dealing with pure alcohol you're risking contamination from benzene.
(危険・結果などを覚悟の上で)…をあえてする, 試みる; 〖~ doing〗 あえて…する
e.g. he was far too intelligent to risk attempting to deceive her.
exposed to harm or danger: 23 million people in Africa are at risk from starvation.
at one's (own) risk
used to indicate that if harm befalls a person or their possessions through their actions, it is their own responsibility: they undertook the adventure at their own risk.
although there is the possibility of something unpleasant resulting: at the risk of boring people to tears, I repeat the most important rule in painting.
put one's life in danger.
expose oneself to the possibility of something unpleasant occurring: she preferred not to run the risk of encountering his sister.
with the possibility of endangering oneself or something: he visited prisons at considerable risk to his health.