SHOW implies no more than enabling another to see or examine.
e.g. showed her snapshots to the whole group
EXHIBIT stresses putting forward prominently or openly.
e.g. exhibit paintings at a gallery
DISPLAY emphasizes putting in a position where others may see to advantage.
e.g. display sale items
EXPOSE suggests bringing forth from concealment and displaying.
e.g. sought to expose the hypocrisy of the town fathers
PARADE implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying.
e.g. parading their piety for all to see
FLAUNT suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parading.
e.g. nouveaux riches flaunting their wealth
verb with object
【人などに】〈隠れているもの〉をあらわにする, 露出する, むき出しにする; 〈感情など〉をさらけだす «to»
e.g. at low tide the sands are exposed.
〖expose A to B〗 A〈人・物〉をB〈危険・風雨など〉にさらす, 当てる
e.g. the coast is very exposed to the southwest.
〘写〙 〈フィルム〉を露光する, 感光させる
e.g. Miranda felt exposed and lonely.
〈犯人など〉を摘発する; «…に» …を通報する «to»
e.g. he exposed himself unnecessarily to gunfire in the war.
〈真実・秘密・悪事など〉を暴露する, すっぱ抜く
e.g. investigations exposed a vast network of illegalities.
〖~ A as C〗 A〈人など〉の正体がCであると暴く (!Cは〖名詞〗〖形容詞〗)
e.g. he has been exposed as a liar and a traitor.
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖~ A to B〗 A〈人〉をB〈考え方・文化など〉に触れさせる, 経験[体験]させる
e.g. students were exposed to probability and statistics in high school.