generated at

[*** \mathrm{tap}^1] |tap|

1. a device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container can be controlled.
⦅主に英⦆ (水道・ガスなどの)蛇口, 栓, コック(⦅米⦆ faucet)(→ bathroom )
(also tapping) British an electrical connection made to some point between the end terminals of a transformer coil or other component.
⦅主に米⦆ 〘電〙 タップ〘電気回路の中間口出し〙
2. a device connected to a telephone used for listening secretly to someone's conversations.
an act of listening secretly to someone's telephone conversation.
3. an instrument for cutting a threaded hole in a material.
〘機〙 タップ, 雌ねじ切り
⦅英⦆ 居酒屋

verb (taps, tapping, tapped) with object
1. draw liquid through the tap or spout of (a cask, barrel, or other container):
【たるから】〈液体〉を出す(off) «from» ; 〈たる〉の栓を抜く; 〈たる〉に飲み口を付ける.
e.g. bragging of tests they had aced and kegs they had tapped.
draw (liquid) from a cask, barrel, or other container:
e.g. the butlers were tapping new ale.
draw sap from (a tree) by cutting into it.
〈樹木・幹〉に傷をつけて樹液を採る; 【樹木から】〈樹液〉を取る(off) «from»
2. exploit or draw a supply from (a resource):
〈資源〉を利用[開発, 開拓]する; 〈考え・経験など〉を活用する
e.g. clients from industry seeking to tap Philadelphia's resources of expertise
〖~ into A〗 A〈資源・資金など〉を手に入れる, 引き出す; 〈経験・知識・状況など〉を活用する.
e.g. no object : these magazines have tapped into a target market of consumers.
informal obtain money or information from (someone):
e.g. he considered whom he could tap for information.
3. connect a device to (a telephone) so that conversation can be listened to secretly:
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈電話・通信など〉を盗聴[傍受]する
e.g. the telephones were tapped by the state security police.
4. cut a thread in (something) to accept a screw.
〘機〙 〈管など〉に雌ねじを切る

ready to be poured from a tap.
informal freely available whenever needed.
North American informal on schedule to occur.

tappable adjective

Old English tæppapeg for the vent-hole of a cask’, tæppianprovide (a cask) with a stopper’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tap and German Zapfen (nouns).

[*** \mathrm{tap}^2] |tap|

verb (taps, tapping, tapped) with object
1. strike (someone or something) with a quick light blow or blows:
〖tap A(with B)〗 〈人が〉(B〈指・細長い物〉で)A〈物〉を軽くたたく, コツコツ[コンコン]たたく
e.g. one of my staff tapped me on the shoulder.
strike (something) against something else with a quick light blow or blows:
〖tap A(on [against] B)〗 〈人が〉A〈指・物など〉を(B〈物〉に)軽く打ちつける
e.g. Gloria was tapping her feet in time to the music.
(tap something out) produce (a rhythm) with a series of quick light blows on a surface:
e.g. drums that tapped out a rumba beat.
write or enter (something) using a keyboard or keypad:
〘コンピュ〙 〈文字・情報など〉を入力する, 〈メッセージ〉を送る(in, out); 〈タッチパネルなど〉に軽くふれる, 〈アイコンなど〉をタップする.
e.g. he tapped out a few words on the keyboard.
2. US informal (usually be tapped) designate or select (someone) for a task or honor, especially membership of an organization or committee:
⦅米⦆ «役職に/…するように» 〈人〉を選ぶ, 指名する «as/to do» (!しばしば受け身で) .
e.g. he had been tapped earlier to serve in Costa Rica.

1. a quick light blow, or the sound of such a blow.
«…を» コツコツたたく音; (注意を引くため)たたくこと, ノック «on, at»
タップダンス(tap dance, tap dancing)
a piece of metal attached to the toe and heel of a tap dancer's shoe to make a tapping sound.
3. (taps) treated as singular or plural US a bugle call for lights to be put out in army quarters. so named because the signal was originally sounded on a drum.
〖~s〗 〘軍〙 (らっぱの)夜営での葬送曲.

tapper noun

Middle English: from Old French taper, or of imitative origin; compare with clap1 and rap1.