e.g. the car's paintwork was battered and scratched
〈人が〉(かゆい所を)爪などでかく; 〈動物などが〉 【物を】(ガリガリと)引っかく, 引っかき傷を付ける «at»
e.g. no object : he scratched at a stain on his jacket.
(爪・鋭い物で)〈物・体の一部〉に引っかき傷を付ける; (傷になるくらい)〈人〉を引っかく; (鋭い物が)〈物・体の一部〉に引っかき傷を付ける;
〖~ A on B〗 B〈とがった物〉でA〈体(の一部)〉に引っかき傷を付ける(up)
e.g. her arms were scratched by the thorns
e.g. I scratched myself on the tree.
e.g. Jessica lifted her sunglasses and scratched her nose.
e.g. I found two names scratched on one of the windowpanes.
〈名前など〉を刻み込む; 走り書きする.
e.g. pass me my writing things—I'll scratch a few letters before I get up.
〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈物〉を引っかいて取り除く (!〖副詞〗は分離の表現)
e.g. he scratched away the plaster.
e.g. the dog scratched to be let in
e.g. (as noun
scratching) : there was a sound of scratching behind the wall.
e.g. he scratches out a living growing strawberries.
〈名前など〉を線を引いて消す, 抹消する(out).
e.g. the name of Dr. McNab was scratched out and that of Dr. Daniels substituted.
【競技・レースから】〈競技者・出走馬など〉を辞退させる, 棄権させる, おろす «from» (!しばしば受け身で) .
e.g. Oswald's Zephyr was the second horse to be scratched from a race today.
【競馬・競技の】出場を辞退する; 【選挙の】立候補を取り下げる «from» .
e.g. due to a knee injury she was forced to scratch from the race.
〈計画など〉を中止する, やめる
e.g. the original filming schedule has been scratched.
〘楽〙 スクラッチ(
scratching)〘回転しているレコードをDJが手で操作して作り出す音, またその音楽〙
e.g. the scratches on her arm were throbbing
e.g. as modifier : scratch marks on the door.
e.g. it's nothing—just a scratch.
⦅主に英⦆ ; 〖a ~〗 (かゆい所を)爪でかくこと
e.g. he gave his scalp a good scratch.
e.g. the scratch of a match lighting a cigarette.
〘楽〙 スクラッチ(
scratching)〘回転しているレコードをDJが手で操作して作り出す音, またその音楽〙
⦅米俗⦆ 金(きん)
e.g. he was working to get some scratch together.
adjective attributive
寄せ集めの, にわか作りの
e.g. at least two vessels set sail with scratch crews.
〘スポーツ〙 ハンディなしの〈選手・試合など〉
from the very beginning, especially without utilizing or relying on any previous work for assistance: he built his own computer company from scratch.
used to suggest that an investigation of someone or something soon reveals their true nature: he had been taught to believe “scratch a pious man and find a hypocrite.”.
think hard in order to find a solution to something.
feel or express bewilderment.
1. deal with a matter only in the most superficial way: research has only scratched the surface of the paranormal.
2. initiate the briefest investigation to discover something concealed: they have a boring image but scratch the surface and it's fascinating.
up to the required standard; satisfactory: her German was not up to scratch.
proverb if you do me a favor, I'll return it.