generated at

noun usually in singular
an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch.
〖通例単数形で〗かゆいこと, かゆみ
usually with modifier a skin disease or condition of which itching is a symptom.
informal a restless or strong desire:
⦅くだけて⦆ 〖通例単数形で〗 «…したいという/…に対する» (むずむずするような)熱望, たまらなさ «to do/for»
e.g. with infinitive : the itch to write fiction.
(the itch) informal scabies.
〖the ~〗 疥癬(かいせん), 皮癬(ひぜん)

verb no object
be the site of or cause an itch:
〈服・炎症などが〉かゆみを感じさせる, ちくちくする
e.g. the bite itched like crazy.
e.g. I itched all over.
informal feel a restless or strong desire to do something:
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖通例be ~ing to do/for A〗 …したくて[Aが欲しくて]たまらない
e.g. with infinitive : your hands itch to take the wheel.

Old English gycce (noun), gyccan (verb), of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch jeuk (noun) and Dutch jeuken, German jucken (verb).