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a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient: 病気の状態を示すものとしてみなされる身体的、精神的な特徴。特に患者にみてわかるような特徴。
症状, 徴候(→ sign)
e.g. dental problems may be a symptom of other illness.: 歯の問題は他の病気の徴候かもしれない。
Compare with sign (sense 1 of the noun) .
a sign of the existence of something, especially of an undesirable situation: 何かの存在の徴候。特に望まれない状況の。
(良くない事態の)徴候, 兆し, しるし(sign)
e.g. the government was plagued by leaks—a symptom of divisions and poor morale.: その政府は分裂と乏しいモラルの徴候である漏洩に悩まされた。

symptomless adjective

late Middle English synthoma, from medieval Latin, based on Greek sumptōmachance, symptom’, from sumpipteinhappen’; later influenced by French symptome.