generated at
pro-out, forth’ + emeretake

point QUICK, PROMPT, READY, APT mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability.
QUICK stresses instancy of response and is likely to connote native rather than acquired power.
e.g. quick reflexes
e.g. a keen quick mind
PROMPT is more likely to connote training and discipline that fits one for instant response.
e.g. prompt emergency medical care
READY suggests facility or fluency in response.
e.g. backed by a pair of ready assistants
APT stresses the possession of qualities (such as intelligence, a particular talent, or a strong bent) that makes quick effective response possible.
e.g. an apt student
e.g. her answer was apt and to the point

source: [冴えない彼女の育てかたの澤村・スペンサー・英梨々がハリセンではたくGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 874871]

verb with object
1. (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling):
〈物・事が〉〈行動・言葉など〉を(反応として)引き出す, 誘発する
e.g. his death has prompted an industry-wide investigation of safety violations.
cause (someone) to take a course of action:
〈物・事が〉〈人〉を刺激する; 〖prompt A to do〗 A〈人〉に…するよう促す
e.g. a demonstration by 20,000 people prompted the government to step up security.
2. assist or encourage (a hesitating speaker) to say something:
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と言って言葉を促す
e.g. with direct speech : “And the picture?” he prompted.
supply a forgotten word or line to (an actor) during the performance of a play.
〘劇〙 〈役者〉にせりふを思い出させる

e.g. with barely a prompt, Barbara talked on.
a word or phrase spoken as a reminder to an actor of a forgotten word or line.
〘劇〙 せりふ付け〘役者がせりふを忘れたときに舞台袖から言ってやる言葉〙
another term for prompter.
Computing a message or symbol on a screen to show that the system is waiting for input.
〘コンピュ〙 プロンプト〘ディスプレイ上に現れる入力を促す記号〙
2. the time limit for the payment of an account, as stated on a prompt note.
〘商〙 支払い期限; 支払い期限付き契約

done without delay; immediate:
〖通例名詞の前で〗即座の, 早速の
e.g. the owner would have died but for the prompt action of two paramedics.
(of a person) acting without delay:
〖be ~〗 〈人などが〉 «…において/…するのに» 機敏な, すばやい; 期限を守る «in/to do»
e.g. the fans were prompt and courteous in complying with police requests.
〘商〙 即時の〈支払い〉

promptitude | ˈpräm(p)təˌt(y)o͞od | noun
promptness | ˈprämp(t)nəs | noun

Middle English (as a verb): based on Old French prompt or Latin promptusbrought to light’, also ‘prepared, ready’, past participle of promere ‘to produce’, from pro-out, forth’ + emeretake’.