generated at

point 勇敢な
brave: 人や行為が勇敢であることをいうのに最もよく使われる語
courageous: 確固たる勇敢さを示す〘ややかたい〙 語
bold: action, step, moveなどと結びつき, 行動の思いきりの良さを示す
fearless: 人の大胆さをほめる語

〈人が〉勇敢な, 勇ましい(↔ cowardly); 〖A is ~ to do/It is ~ of A to do〗 …するなんてA〈人〉は勇気がある〘勇気・勇敢は最大の美徳として評価される〙
e.g. a brave soldier
e.g. he put up a brave fight before losing.
literary fine or splendid in appearance:
⦅古・文⦆ 華麗な(splendid), すばらしい(fine1).
e.g. his medals made a brave show.

1. (as plural noun the brave) people who are ready to face and endure danger or pain.
〖the ~; 複数扱い〗 勇敢な人々, 勇士たち
2. dated an American Indian warrior.
⦅やや古⦆ 北米先住民の戦士

verb with object
〈困難なことなど〉に勇敢に立ち向かう, …をものともしない
e.g. we had to brave the full heat of the sun.

go outside in spite of poor weather conditions:
e.g. many people braved the elements to enjoy the attractions.

used to refer, often ironically, to a new and hopeful period in history resulting from major changes in society:
e.g. the brave new world of computing. title of a satirical novel by Aldous Huxley (1932), after Shakespeare's The Tempest (v. i. 183).

see face.


late 15th century: from French, from Italian bravobold’ or Spanish bravocourageous, untamed, savage’, based on Latin barbarus (see barbarous).