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verb (past bit | bit | ; past participle bitten | ˈbitn | ) with object
1. (of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into something in order to eat it: (人や動物が)食べる目的で何かを切り分けるために歯を使う
e.g. Rosa bit into a cupcake: ローサはカップケーキにかぶりついた。
e.g. with object : he bit a mouthful from the sandwich.: 彼はサンドイッチを一口かじった。
with object (of an animal or a person) use the teeth in order to inflict injury on: (動物や人が)負傷させる目的で歯を使う
e.g. she had bitten, scratched, and kicked her assailant.: 彼女は自分の敵にかみつき、ひっかき、蹴った。
with object (of a snake, insect, or spider) wound with fangs, pincers, or a sting: (蛇、虫、蜘蛛が)牙、はさみこみ、針で傷つける
〈虫・ヘビなどが〉〈人など〉を刺す; 〈カニなどが〉〈物〉をはさむ (alert ハチなどが刺す場合はsting)
e.g. she was bitten by an adder.: 彼女はアダー(蛇)に噛まれた。
(bite at) (of an animal) snap at; attempt to bite: (動物が)ぱくりとかみつく; かもうと試みる
e.g. it is not unusual for this dog to bite at its owner's hand.: この犬が飼い主の手を噛もうとするのは普通ではない。
(of an acid) corrode a surface: (酸で)表面が腐食する
e.g. chemicals have bitten deep into the stone.: 化学物質はその石を深く腐食した。
(of a fish) take the bait or lure on the end of a fishing line into the mouth.: (魚が)釣り糸の先端にある餌やルアーを口の中に入れる
〈魚が〉餌に食いつく, かかる.
informal (of a person) be persuaded to accept a deal or offer: (人が)取引や申し出を信じて受け入れさせられる
〈人が〉(詐欺などに)飛びつく, ひっかかる, だまされる.
e.g. a hundred or so retailers should bite.: 100ばかりの小売業者が飛びついた。
2. (of a tool, tire, boot, etc.) grip a surface: (道具、タイヤ、ブーツなどが)表面をしっかりととらえる
〈物が〉 【表面に】食い込む «into» ; 〈タイヤが〉 【路面などを】(しっかり)とらえる «on» ;
e.g. once on the wet grass, my boots failed to bite.: ひとたび湿った芝生の上に立てば、私のブーツは地面をとらえるのに失敗する。
(of an object) press into a part of the body, causing pain: (物体が)体の一部に食い込んで、痛みを引き起こす
〈物が〉 【表面に】食い込む «into» ;
e.g. the handcuffs bit into his wrists.: 手錠が彼の手首に食い込んだ。
cause emotional pain: 感情的な痛みを引き起こす
e.g. Cheryl's betrayal had bitten deep.: シェリルの裏切りは深くこたえた。
(of a policy or situation) take effect, with unpleasant consequences: (方針や状況が)不愉快な結果とともに効く
e.g. when the cuts in art education start to bite.: 芸術の教育の切り下げが悪影響をもたらしはじめた。
North American informal be very bad, unpleasant, or unfortunate: とても悪い、不快な、不幸になる
e.g. it bites that your mom won't let you go.: 不幸なことにあなたの母親はあなたを行かせたくないだろう。

1 an act of biting something in order to eat it: 食べる目的で何かを噛む動作
かむこと, かじること; (魚釣りの)あたり
e.g. Stephen ate a hot dog in three big bites.: ステファンは3口でホットドッグを食べた。
a wound inflicted by an animal's or a person's teeth: 動物・人の歯でつけられた傷
かみ傷, (虫などの)刺し傷.
e.g. Perry's dog had given her a nasty bite.: ペリーの犬は彼女にひどい噛み傷を与えた。
a wound inflicted by a snake, insect, or spider: 蛇 、虫、蜘蛛によってつけられた傷
かみ傷, (虫などの)刺し傷.
e.g. his face was covered in mosquito bites. : 彼の顔は蚊に噛まれた跡だらけだ。
an act of bait being taken by a fish: 魚が餌に食いついている動作
e.g. by four o'clock he still hadn't had a single bite.: 4時から彼はまだ最初のあたりがきていない。
Dentistry the bringing together of the teeth in occlusion.: 上下の歯を咬合の状態にすること
〘医〙 (歯の)かみ合わせ;
Dentistry the imprint of the teeth in occlusion in a plastic material.: プラスチックでできた咬合のインプリント
2. a piece cut off by biting: 噛んで切り取られたかけら
e.g. Robyn took a large bite out of her sandwich.: ロビンはサンドイッチに大きくかぶりついた。
informal a quick snack: 短い軽食
⦅くだけた話⦆ 軽食(snack)
e.g. I plan to stop off in the village and have a bite to eat.: 私はその村に立ち寄って軽食を取るつもりだ。
a small morsel of prepared food, intended to constitute one mouthful: 調理済みの食べ物の小さな一切れ、一口分を意図したもの。
e.g. minced bacon bites with cheese.: チーズを添えたミンチにされたベーコン一切れ
a short piece of information.: 少量の情報
3. a sharp or pungent flavor: 鋭い、刺激のある風味
⦅ほめて⦆ (食べ物の)ぴりぴりする刺激.
e.g. a fresh, lemony bite.: 新鮮でレモンのようにぴりぴりする風味
incisiveness or cogency of style: 文体・口調の鋭さ、適切さ
(演技・文体などの)鋭さ, 切れ味;
e.g. his colorful characterizations brought added bite to the story.: 彼の彩り豊かな描写はその物語にさらなる切れ味をもたらした。
a feeling of cold in the air or wind: 空気や風を冷たく感じる
〖a ~〗 (刺すような)冷たさ.
e.g. by early October there's a bite in the air.: 10月の始めは風が刺すように冷たい。

someone's bark is worse than their bite
see bark1.

be bitten by the —— bug
develop a passionate interest in a specified activity: Joe was bitten by the showbiz bug at the age of four.

bite the big one
North American informal die.

bite the bullet
decide to do something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off or hesitating over. [from the old custom of giving wounded soldiers a bullet to bite on when undergoing surgery without anaesthetic.]

bite the dust informal
be killed: and the bad guys bite the dust with lead in their bellies.
fail or come to an end: she hoped the new program would not bite the dust for lack of funding.

bite the hand that feeds one
deliberately hurt or offend a benefactor.

bite someone's head off
see head.

bite one's lip
repress an emotion; stifle laughter or a retort: he could have mocked Carol's obnoxious behavior, but he bit his lip.

bite off more than one can chew
take on a commitment one cannot fulfill.

bite one's tongue
make a desperate effort to avoid saying something: I had to bite my tongue and accept his explanation.

one could have bitten one's tongue off
used to show that someone profoundly and immediately regrets having said something.

once bitten, twice shy
proverb an unpleasant experience induces caution.

put the bite on
North American & Australian/NZ informal borrow or extort money from. 1930s (originally US): bite, from the slang sense ‘deception’.

take a bite out of
informal reduce by a significant amount: かなりの量を減らす
〈物・税金などが〉A〈家計など〉に食い込む; A〈金〉を奪う.
e.g. insurance costs that can take a bite out of your retirement funds.: あなたの退職年金基金に食い込みうる保険料

bite something back
refrain with difficulty from saying something, making a sound, or expressing an emotion:
e.g. Melissa bit back a scathing comment.

biter | ˈbīdər | noun

Old English bītan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bijten and German beissen.