金づち, つち, ハンマー
(銃の)撃鉄, 打ち金;〘楽〙 (ピアノの)ハンマー; (木琴の)打棒; (ベル・時計・ゴングの)打ち子
〘スポーツ〙 (陸上競技用の)ハンマー
〖the ~〗 ハンマー投げ
〘解剖〙 (中耳の)槌骨(つちこつ)
verb with object
hit or
beat (something) with a hammer or similar object:
e.g. they are made by heating and hammering pieces of iron.
«…を» 金づちでたたく, ドンドンたたく(away) «against, on, at»
e.g. she hammered on his door.
e.g. for six months I have been hammering away at a plot.
【物に】〈くぎなど〉を打ち込む(in) «into»;〈箱のふたなど〉を打ち付ける(down, up); 〈物〉をつちで打って作る(together); 〖~ A B/A into B〗 AをたたいてB〈状態〉にする (!Bは前者は〖形容詞〗, 後者は〖名詞〗)
e.g. he hammered the tack in
e.g. he was hammering leather soles onto a pair of small boots.
【人の頭などに】〈言葉・考えなど〉をたたき込む(in) «into»
e.g. the “diversity is good” message is hammered into them.
⦅主に英・くだけて⦆ 〈敵・相手〉を激しく攻撃[非難]する
e.g. he got hammered for an honest mistake.
⦅英・くだけて/報道⦆ 〈試合の相手など〉を一方的にやっつける(
thrash); …に打撃を与える
e.g. they hammered St. Louis 6–0.
be sold at an auction.
informal energetically, enthusiastically, or with great vehemence:
e.g. all the way to the bottom, Larry could hear them clanging away, hammer and tongs.
see home.
1. make something by shaping metal with a hammer.
2. laboriously work out the details of a plan or agreement:
e.g. a deal was being hammered out with the Dutch museums.
3. play a tune loudly or clumsily, especially on the piano.