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verb with object
(一般に)〈物・人〉を繰り返し打つ, 激しくたたく.
e.g. she thrashed him across the head and shoulders
e.g. (as noun
thrashing) : what he needs is a good thrashing.
(体罰として)〈人〉を激しく打つ, 打ちのめす
e.g. the wind screeched and the mast thrashed the deck.
〖~+副詞〗 〈人が〉もがく, のたうち回る, 激しく動く (!〖副詞〗はabout, aroundなど方向の表現) .
e.g. he lay on the ground thrashing around in pain
〈手足・体の一部〉をばたつかせる, 激しく動かす(about, around)
e.g. with object : she thrashed her arms, attempting to swim.
e.g. two months of thrashing around on my own have produced nothing.
⦅くだけて・主に英⦆ 〈対戦相手など〉に大勝する, 打ち負かす
e.g. I thrashed Pete at cards
e.g. with object and complement : the Braves were thrashed 8–1 by the Mets.
e.g. I wrench the steering wheel back and thrash on up the hill.
rare term for
thresh (sense 1) .
〖単数形で〗激しく動く[打つ, たたく]こと
e.g. the thrash of the waves.
discuss something thoroughly and honestly.