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verb no object
«…しようと/…を求めて/…について» 奮闘する, 苦闘する «to do/for/over»
e.g. before she could struggle, he lifted her up
e.g. with infinitive : he struggled to break free.
〈人が〉 【人と】もみ合う, 格闘する «with» ; もがく, あがく; 【困難などと】闘う «with, against»
e.g. politicians continued to struggle over familiar issues.
e.g. new authors are struggling in the present climate
e.g. with infinitive : many families struggle to make ends meet.
〈人が〉 【重い物などを】動かそうとして苦労する «with»
e.g. passengers struggle with bags and briefcases.
〖~+副詞〗 苦労して[もがきながら]進む (!〖副詞〗はtoward, (in)to, throughなど方向の表現)
e.g. he struggled to the summit of the world's highest mountain.

【自由・権利などを求める】(長期の)戦い, 闘争 «for»
e.g. there were signs of a struggle and there was a lot of blood around.
(二者間の)もみ合い, 取っ組み合い.
e.g. a power struggle for the leadership
e.g. with a struggle, she pulled the stroller up the slope.
e.g. the center is the result of the scientists' struggle to realize their dream.
〖a ~〗 (活動・仕事が)難しい[苦しい]こと
e.g. it was a struggle to make herself understood.

the competition between organisms, especially as an element in natural selection, or between people seeking a livelihood:
e.g. every adaptation had to offer an advantage to the organism in the struggle for existence.

struggler |ˈstrəɡ(ə)lər| noun

late Middle English: frequentative, perhaps of imitative origin. The noun dates from the late 17th century.