ひも, (太めの)糸 (!特定の長さの個々のひもはC)
a piece of string used to
tie around or
attach to something.
〖the ~s; 集合的に〗 弦楽器演奏者, (オーケストラの)弦楽パート
e.g. a string quartet.
(ひもに通した)1本, 一連, 1つなぎ
e.g. she wore a string of agates around her throat.
〖a ~ of A〗 一連の, 連続するA〈物・出来事〉(
e.g. a string of burglaries.
〘コンピュ〙 (プログラムの)文字列, 記号列
e.g. Gary was first string on the varsity football team.
〘植〙 繊維, (豆のさやの)すじ
verb (past and past participle
strung | strəNG | )
e.g. lights were strung across the promenade.
e.g. he collected stones with holes in them and strung them on a strong cord.
e.g. the houses were strung along the road.
e.g. he can't string two sentences together.
e.g. the harp had been newly strung.
informal used to show that an offer or opportunity carries no special conditions or restrictions.
under one's control or influence: I've got the world on a string.
British informal stay with or accompany a person or group casually or as long as it is convenient.
string someone along
informal mislead someone deliberately over a length of time, especially about one's intentions: she had no plans to marry him—she was just stringing him along.
string something out
cause something to stretch out; prolong something.
(string out) stretch out into a long line: the runners string out in a line across the road.
(be strung out) be nervous or tense: I often felt strung out by daily stresses.
(be strung out) North American be under the influence of alcohol or drugs: he died, strung out on booze and cocaine.
string someone/something up
hang something up on strings.
kill someone by hanging.