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subside(sub- + side) + -yと考えて良さそう
late 14c., from Anglo-French subsidie
Old French subside "help, aid, assistance, contribution," 援助、貢献
from Latin subsidium "a help, aid, assistance, (military) reinforcements, troops in reserve," 援助、貢献、(軍事的な)強化、予備兵力
from subsidere "to settle down, stay, remain" (see subside) 落ち着く、とどまる、残る

>Although the terms are often used interchangeably, grants and subsidies are two different types of funding. Grants are sums that usually do not have to be repaid but are to be used for defined purposes. Subsidies, on the other hand, refer to direct contributions, tax breaks and other special assistance that governments provide businesses to offset operating costs over a lengthy time period. The practice is controversial since large corporations -- not small businesses -- tend to receive most subsidies.
>Grant is type of funding given to institutions as schools, universities , research projects, is recorded in government budget. It can be increased or decreased and can be discontinued if misused.
> Subsidy is an instrument to keep prices below their original selling prices,medicines, food grains ,

noun (plural subsidies)
1. a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive: 産業やビジネスを支援して商品やサービスの価格が低く、競争的なままにするために政府や公共団体によって譲渡された合計金額
(政府などによる)補助金, 助成金, 援助金
e.g. a farm subsidy: 農業助成金
e.g. they disdain government subsidy.: 彼らは政府の助成金を軽蔑する。
a sum of money granted to support an arts organization or other undertaking held to be in the public interest.: 芸術団体や他の公益のために開かれた事業を支援するために譲渡された金額
a grant or contribution of money. : お金の譲渡や寄付
2. historical a parliamentary grant to the sovereign for state needs.: 国が必要としているもののために君主に対して議会が定める譲渡
〘英史〙 (国王に対し議会が認めた)特別補助金.
a tax levied on a particular occasion.: 特別な行事に課される税