generated at

help, typically of a practical nature:
(資金・食糧・労力などの)援助, 支援; 救援(物資); 助け (!主に困難な状況にある国・団体・人々などに対して国・団体などが行う; 行政・ジャーナリズムで用いられ一般にはhelp, assistance, supportが好まれる)
e.g. he saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid
e.g. within six weeks he was walking with the aid of a walker.
e.g. 700,000 tons of food aid
e.g. as modifier : aid convoys.
a person or thing that is a source of help or assistance:
«…の» 補助となる物 «to» ; 補助具; 助手
e.g. exercise is an important aid to recovery after heart attacks
e.g. a teaching aid.
historical a grant of subsidy or tax to a king.
〘英史〙 献金

verb with object
help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something:
【活動などにおいて】(資金・労力などを提供して)〈国・人など〉を援助する, 支援する «in, with» (!報道などで好まれる語で, 日常語としてはhelpを用いる)
e.g. women were aided in childbirth by midwives
〈物・事が〉 【経過・活動において】助けとなる, 支援[補助]する «in»
e.g. no object : the heel was slanted to aid in climbing hilly terrain.
promote or encourage (something):
〈物・事が〉〈経過・活動など〉を促進する, 助長する
e.g. diet and exercise aid healthy skin.

mainly British in support of; for the purpose of raising money for:
e.g. a concert in aid of Armenia.
what's this in aid of? (also what's all this in aid of?)
British informal what is the purpose of this?

late Middle English: from Old French aide (noun), aidier (verb), based on Latin adjuvare, from ad-towards’ + juvare ‘to help’.