generated at
pro-forward, onward’ + movere ‘to move
source: [だがしかしの枝垂ほたるがうまい棒を掲げるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 1223571]

verb with object
1. further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage:
…を促進する, 振興する; 〈理念など〉を推進する, 奨励する
e.g. some regulation is still required to promote competition.
(宣伝などで)〈製品など〉の販売を促進する; «…として» …を売り込む «as» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. they are using famous personalities to promote the library nationally.
2. advance or raise (someone) to a higher position or rank:
〖通例be ~d〗 «…へと» 昇進する, 昇級する «to» (↔ demote)
e.g. she was promoted to General Manager.
〖通例be ~d〗 〘スポーツ〙 〈チームが〉 【上位リーグなどへと】昇格する «to» (↔ relegate)
e.g. they were promoted from the Third Division last season.
Chess exchange (a pawn) for a more powerful piece of the same color, typically a queen, as part of the move in which it reaches the opponent's end of the board.
〘チェス〙 〈ポーン〉をクイーンにならせる
Bridge enable (a relatively low card) to win a trick by playing off the higher ones first.
3. Chemistry act as a promoter of (a catalyst).

promotability |prəˌmōtəˈbilətē| noun
promotable adjective
promotive |-tiv| adjective

late Middle English: from Latin promot-moved forward’, from the verb promovere, from pro-forward, onward’ + movere ‘to move’.