generated at
[*** \mathrm{rear}1] | rir |
source: [食戟のソーマの榊涼子のお尻がプリプリしてるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 632080]

noun in singular
the back part of something, especially a building or vehicle: 何か、特に建物、乗り物の後ろの部分
〖the ~〗 ⦅かたく⦆ 後部, 背後, 後ろ(↔ front)(⦅よりくだけて⦆ back)
e.g. the kitchen door at the rear of the house.: 家の後部のキッチンドア
the space or position at the back of something or someone: 何か、誰かの後ろの空間や位置
e.g. the field at the rear of the church.: 境界の後ろの野原
the hindmost part of an army, fleet, or line of people: 軍隊、艦隊、人の列の最も後ろの部分
e.g. two blue policemen at the rear fell out of the formation.: 最後列の二人の青い警察官が隊列から抜けた。
(also rear end) informal a person's buttocks.: 人の尻
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖通例one's ~〗 お尻(rear end)(→ buttock)

adjective attributive
at the back: 後ろの
〖名詞の前で〗後部, 後方, 背後, 後ろの〈物〉
e.g. the car's rear window.: 車の後部の窓

be at the very end of a line of people.
come last in a race or other contest.

Middle English (first used as a military term): from Old French rere, based on Latin retroback’.

[*** \mathrm{rear}^2] | rir |

1. with object (usually be reared) bring up and care for (a child) until they are fully grown, especially in a particular manner or place:
〈人が〉(成人するまで)〈子供〉を育てる;〖be ~ed〗 〈子供が〉 «…を食べて[読んで, 経験して]» 育つ «on»
e.g. he was born and reared in New York City
e.g. a generation reared on video.
(of an animal) care for (its young) until they are fully grown.
〈動物など〉を飼育する(⦅主に米⦆ raise, ⦅主に英⦆ bring up)
e.g. the calves are reared for beef.
e.g. as adjective, in combination (-reared) : laboratory-reared plantlets.
2. no object (of a horse or other animal) raise itself upright on its hind legs:
〈馬などが〉(後ろ足で)立つ; 〈人が〉席をけって立つ(up)
e.g. the horse reared in terror
e.g. a rattlesnake reared up at his elbow.
with adverbial of place (of a building, mountain, etc.) extend or appear to extend to a great height:
e.g. houses reared up on either side.
with object archaic set (something) upright.
〈動物が〉〈頭など〉を持ち上げる, 起こす; 〈問題などが〉〈頭〉をもたげる
e.g. the press reared up in the wake of the bombings.

raise one's head.
(rear its head) (of an unpleasant matter) emerge; present itself:
e.g. elitism is rearing its ugly head again.

rearer | ˈrirər | noun

Old English rǣranset upright, construct, elevate’, of Germanic origin; related to raise (which has supplanted rear in many applications), also to rise.