generated at

point 類義 mainmajor, chief, keyなど
main: 同種類のうちで規模・影響力・重要性などの点で他を抜きん出ていることをいい, 全体の中の一部について言及することが多い
major: 他と比べたときに規模や重要性がより高いことを表し, some , any , severalなど数を表す形容詞とも相性が良い. また, 原因や影響など悪いことを指す場合にも用いる
chief: 〘ややかたく・主に書〙 で, 階級の中で最重要であることを表し, 特に職業上で主要な人物を指す場合に好まれ, 服従関係を暗示する
key: 特定の時期・状況において最も不可欠とされる人や事柄を表し, majorよりわずかにくだけた語. 特に商業や政治の文脈で好まれる
prime: 〘ややかたく〙 で, 何より先に考慮されるほど重要であること
principal: 〘ややかたく・主に書〙 で, 重要性・力関係の点で一番であることを表し, 議論の余地のない事実を述べる際に好まれる

1. attributive important, serious, or significant:
主要な, 主な〈役割・要因・人など〉; 重大な, 深刻な〈問題など〉;〖the/one's ~ ...〗 最大の, 最も重要な (!mainより⦅かたく⦆ 響く)
e.g. the use of drugs is a major problem.
(同種のものと比べて)より大きな, 大きい方の〈物・事〉; 大部分の, 過半数[多数]の〈部分〉 (!thanを伴わない)
e.g. he got the major share of the spoils.
e.g. he had to undergo major surgery.
2. Music (of a scale) having an interval of a semitone between the third and fourth degrees and the seventh and eighth degrees. Contrasted with minor.
〘楽〙 長音階の; 長音程の, 長調の(↔ minor)
(of an interval) equivalent to that between the tonic and another note of a major scale, and greater by a semitone than the corresponding minor interval:
e.g. C to E is a major third.
postpositive (of a key) based on a major scale, tending to produce a bright or joyful effect:
e.g. Prelude in G Major.
3. British dated (appended to a surname in some schools) indicating the elder of two brothers.
⦅英⦆ 〖姓の後で〗(主にパブリックスクールの同姓の生徒のうち)年上の; 兄の
4. Logic (of a term) occurring as the predicate in the conclusion of a categorical syllogism.
(of a premise) containing the major term in a categorical syllogism.

1. an army officer of high rank, in particular (in the US Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps) an officer ranking above captain and below lieutenant colonel. shortening of sergeant major, formerly a high rank.
〖肩書き; しばしばM-; 時に呼びかけで〗陸軍少佐; ⦅米⦆ 空軍[海兵隊]少佐〘captainの上, lieutenant-colonelの下; ⦅略⦆ Maj.〙; (ある団体の)長.
〘楽〙 長音階; 長音程; 長調(↔ minor)
〖the ~s〗 国際石油資本, メジャー〘かつて世界の石油市場を支配した米・英・オランダ系7社でthe Seven Sistersとも呼ばれた〙.
e.g. it's not unreasonable to believe someone can win all four majors.
〖the ~s〗 = Major Leagues.
⦅主に米⦆ ; 〖しばしばone's ~〗 (大学での)専攻(科目) (!副専攻はminor)
e.g. many students would ignore courses outside their major.
often with modifier a student specializing in a specified subject:
e.g. a math major.
〘論〙 (三段論法の)大前提(major premise); 大名辞(major term).
6. Bridge short for major suit:
e.g. South was anxious to mention his four-card major and bid one spade.
7. a person of full legal age.
〘法〙 成年者, 成人

specialize in (a particular subject) at college or university:
⦅米・豪⦆ (大学で) 【学科を】専攻する «in» (→ specialize , minor)
e.g. I was trying to decide if I should major in drama or English.


Middle English: from Latin, comparative of magnusgreat’; perhaps influenced by French majeur.