generated at

point DEPLETE, DRAIN, EXHAUST, IMPOVERISH, BANKRUPT mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency.
DEPLETE implies a reduction in number or quantity so as to endanger the ability to function.
e.g. depleting our natural resources
DRAIN implies a gradual withdrawal and ultimate deprivation of what is necessary to an existence.
e.g. personal tragedy had drained him of all spirit
EXHAUST stresses a complete emptying.
e.g. her lecture exhausted the subject
IMPOVERISH suggests a deprivation of something essential to richness or productiveness.
e.g. impoverished soil
BANKRUPT suggests impoverishment to the point of imminent collapse.
e.g. war had bankrupted the nation of resources

point TIRE, WEARY, FATIGUE, EXHAUST, JADE mean to make or become unable or unwilling to continue.
TIRE implies a draining of one's strength or patience.
e.g. the long ride tired us out
WEARY stresses tiring until one is unable to endure more of the same thing.
e.g. wearied of the constant arguing
FATIGUE suggests great lassitude from excessive strain or undue effort.
e.g. fatigued by the day's chores
e.g. shoveling snow exhausted him
JADE suggests the loss of all freshness and eagerness.
e.g. appetites jaded by overindulgence

verb with object
1. drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources; tire out:
〈事・人が〉(肉体的・精神的に)〈人〉を疲れ果て[くたくたに]させる(wear out); 〖~ oneself〗 «…して» 疲れ果てる «doing» ; 〖it ~s A to do〗 A〈人〉が…して疲れ果てる
e.g. her day trip had exhausted her.
〈財産・資源など〉を使い尽くす, 枯渇させる(use up); 〈忍耐力〉の限度を超えさせる; 〈土地〉を不毛にする
e.g. the country has exhausted its treasury reserves.
expound on, write about, or explore (a subject or options) so fully that there is nothing further to be said or discovered:
〈話題など〉を論じ[研究し]尽くす; 〈可能性など〉を調べ[試し]尽くす
e.g. she seemed to have exhausted all permissible topics of conversation.
3. expel (gas or steam) from or into a particular place.
〈ガスなど〉を排出[放出]する; «…を» 〈容器など〉から抜く «of» , …を空(から)にする

waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or other machine in the course of its operation:
e.g. buses spewing out black clouds of exhaust
e.g. as modifier : exhaust fumes.
the system through which waste gases are expelled:
〖the ~〗 (車などの)排気装置(exhaust system)
e.g. as modifier : an exhaust pipe.

exhauster |iɡˈzôstər| noun
exhaustibility |iɡˌzôstəˈbilədē| noun
exhaustible |iɡˈzôstəb(ə)l| adjective

mid 16th century (in the sense ‘draw off or draw out’): from Latin exhaust-drained out’, from the verb exhaurire, from ex-out’ + hauriredraw (water), drain’.