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verb with object
1. cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier:
〈人などが〉〈容器など〉の水を抜く; 〈食品など〉の水気を切る; 〈腫れ物〉からうみを出す
e.g. we drained the swimming pool.
cause or allow (liquid) to run off or run out of something:
«…から» 〈液体〉を排出させる, 流し出す; 【料理から】〈余分な脂肪など〉を切る(away, off) «from, out of»
e.g. fry the pork and drain off any excess fat.
make (land) drier by providing channels for water to flow away in:
e.g. the land was drained and the boggy ground reclaimed.
e.g. the stream drains a wide moorland above the waterfall.
no object, with adverbial of direction (of water or another liquid) flow away from, out of, or into something:
«…から» 〈液体が〉流出する, 流れ出す[出る], はける; 〈余分な油などが〉切れる(away, off) «from, out of» ; 〈川などが〉 «…に» 注ぐ «into»
e.g. the river drains into the Pacific
e.g. figurative : Polly felt the blood drain from her face.
no object become dry or drier as liquid runs off or away:
〈容器・土地などが〉水がはける, 干上がる, 水が切れる; 〈ぬれた物が〉乾く
e.g. dishes left to drain
e.g. the plant should be watered well and allowed to drain.
(of a person) drink the entire contents of (a glass or other container):
⦅文⦆ 〈グラスなど〉を飲み干す
e.g. he seized the Scotch set before him and drained it.
no object, with adverbial (of a feeling or emotion) become progressively less strongly felt:
⦅文⦆ (恐怖などのために) 【顔・頰などから】〈色が〉うせる, 〈血(の気)が〉引く(away) «from» ; 〖~ of A〗 〈顔などが〉A〈色・血(の気)〉がなくなる
e.g. gradually the tension and stress drained away.
e.g. his limbs were drained of all energy
e.g. Ruth slumped down in her seat, drained by all that had happened.
cause (money, energy, or another valuable resource) to be lost, wasted, or used up:
〈力・金・資源など〉を使い果たす, 枯渇させる; 【力・金・資源などを】〈人・会社・国など〉に消耗させる «of» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. my mother's hospital bills are draining my income.
no object, with adverbial (of a resource) be lost, wasted, or used up:
〈感情・体力・財産などが〉 «…から» だんだんとなくなる(away) «out of»
e.g. votes and campaign funds drained away from the Republican candidate.
3. Golf, informal (of a player) hole (a putt).

1. a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid, especially rainwater or liquid waste.
排水管[路], 下水溝; ; 〖the ~s〗 排水[下水]設備
a tube for drawing off accumulating fluid from a body cavity or an abscess.
〘医〙 排液管, ドレーン
Electronics the part of a field-effect transistor to which the charge carriers flow after passing the gate.
2. in singular a thing that uses up a particular resource:
〖単数形で〗 «…の» 消耗[枯渇]のもと «on»
e.g. nuclear power is a serious drain on the public purse.
the continuous loss or expenditure of a particular resource:
(人材・資本・貨幣などの)流出(→ brain drain)
e.g. the drain of our heritage.

informal be totally wasted:
e.g. the government must stop public money from going down the drain.

Old English drēahnian, drēhnianstrain (liquid’), of Germanic origin; related to dry.