generated at

an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand:
余剰, 余分, 過剰(分)
e.g. exports of food surpluses.
an excess of income or assets over expenditure or liabilities in a given period, typically a fiscal year:
〘経〙 余剰金, 黒字, 超過金(↔ deficit)
e.g. a trade surplus of $1.4 billion.
the excess value of a company's assets over the face value of its stock.

余分な, 余剰の
e.g. make the most of your surplus cash.
e.g. she had picked up her boots in an army surplus store.

late Middle English: from Old French sourplus, from medieval Latin superplus, from super-in addition’ + plusmore’.