generated at
expendere(to weigh out; to pay out: see expend) + -ure.

the action of spending funds: 所持金を消費する行為
〖時にan ~〗 (時間・エネルギーなどの)消費; «…に対する» 支出 «on, for»
e.g. the expenditure of taxpayers' money.: 納税者のお金の浪費
an amount of money spent: 支出されたお金の総額
⦅かたく⦆ «…に対する» 支出額, 費用, 経費; 消費高, 量(expense) «on» (↔ income)
e.g. cuts in public expenditure.: 公共支出の削減

mid 18th century: from expend, suggested by obsolete expenditorofficer in charge of expenditure’, from medieval Latin, from expenditus, irregular past participle of Latin expendere (see expend).