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1. a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together:
e.g. she brushed back a curl that had strayed from its bonds
e.g. figurative : chaos could result if the bonds of obedience and loyalty were broken.
(bonds) physical restraints used to hold someone or something prisoner, especially ropes or chains.
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖~s〗 束縛, 拘束; 囚人を縛る縄, くさり
adhesiveness; ability of two objects to stick to each other:
接着; 接着剤
e.g. a total lack of effective bond between the concrete and the steel.
〖しばしば~s〗 «…との間の» 緊密な関係, 結束, 結合, きずな «between» (!tieと違って強い結びつきを表す)
e.g. there was a bond of understanding between them.
2. an agreement with legal force.
⦅かたく⦆ (法的な)契約; 協約, 盟約, 誓約
Law a deed by which a person is committed to make payment to another.
a certificate issued by a government or a public company promising to repay borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest at a specified time.
債務証書, 公債, 債券, 社債
an insurance policy held by a company, which protects against losses resulting from circumstances such as bankruptcy or misconduct by employees.
US a sum of money paid as bail.
⦅主に米⦆ 〘法〙 保釈金
3. (also chemical bond) a strong force of attraction holding atoms together in a molecule or crystal, resulting from the sharing or transfer of electrons.
〘化〙 (原子の)結合手; 化学結合
4. with modifier Building a pattern in which bricks are laid in order to ensure the strength of the resulting structure. See English bond, Flemish bond.
5. short for bond paper.
ボンド紙(bond paper)〘上質の白い紙〙

1. join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure:
〖~ A and B〗 AとBを接着する(together)
e.g. with object : press the material to bond the layers together
〈2つのものが〉接着する(together); «…に/…と» 接着する, (化学)結合する «to/with» .
e.g. no object : this material will bond well to stainless steel rods
e.g. (as adjective bonding) : a bonding agent.
no object establish a relationship with someone based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences:
〈人が〉 «…と» きずなで結ばれる, 結束する, まとまる «with»
e.g. the failure to properly bond with their children
e.g. the team has bonded together well.
2. join or be joined by a chemical bond.
«…に/…と» …を接着させる, (化学)結合させる «to/with»
3. with object (usually as adjective bonding) lay (bricks) in an overlapping pattern so as to form a strong structure:
e.g. a bonding course.
4. (usually as noun bonding) place (dutiable goods) in bond.

Middle English: variant of band1.