1. a thing used to
tie something or to
fasten things together:
e.g. she brushed back a curl that had strayed from its bonds
e.g. figurative : chaos could result if the bonds of obedience and loyalty were broken.
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖~s〗 束縛, 拘束; 囚人を縛る縄, くさり
接着; 接着剤
e.g. a total lack of effective bond between the concrete and the steel.
〖しばしば~s〗 «…との間の» 緊密な関係, 結束, 結合, きずな «between» (!tieと違って強い結びつきを表す)
e.g. there was a bond of understanding between them.
⦅かたく⦆ (法的な)契約; 協約, 盟約, 誓約
債務証書, 公債, 債券, 社債
⦅主に米⦆ 〘法〙 保釈金
〘化〙 (原子の)結合手; 化学結合
〖~ A and B〗 AとBを接着する(together)
e.g. with object : press the material to bond the layers together
〈2つのものが〉接着する(together); «…に/…と» 接着する, (化学)結合する «to/with» .
e.g. no object : this material will bond well to stainless steel rods
e.g. (as adjective
bonding) : a bonding agent.
〈人が〉 «…と» きずなで結ばれる, 結束する, まとまる «with»
e.g. the failure to properly bond with their children
e.g. the team has bonded together well.
«…に/…と» …を接着させる, (化学)結合させる «to/with»
e.g. a bonding course.