generated at

point 議論する
discuss:〘ややかたく〙 で, 結論に到達するために冷静に議論すること
argue: 証拠に基づいて自分の意見を主張すること
that節 「…と主張する」
debate: 公的な問題について対立する意見を述べ合うこと
dispute: 意見を対立させてやや感情的に議論すること
that節 「…ということに異を唱える」
talk about, 〘ややかたく〙 talk of: 深刻[重要]な事について話し合うこと
talk something over, talk over: 特に合意・決定のため徹底的に議論すること

1. reporting verb give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view:
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と主張する
e.g. with direct speech : “It stands to reason,” she argued
〖argue that節〗 〈人が〉(理由を挙げて)…だと主張する, 論じる
e.g. with clause : defense attorneys argue that the police lacked “probable cause” to arrest the driver.
with object (argue someone into/argue someone out of) persuade someone to do or not to do (something) by giving reasons:
⦅主に英⦆ 〈人が〉 «…するように/…しないように» 〈人〉を説得する «into/out of»
e.g. I tried to argue him out of it.
2. no object exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way:
〖argue (with A) (about [over] B)〗 〈人が〉(A〈人〉と)(Bのことで)論争する (!Bは〖名詞〗, しばしばwh節・句); 言い争う, 口論する
e.g. figurative : I wasn't going to argue with a gun
e.g. with object : she was too tired to argue the point
e.g. don't argue with me.

arguer noun

Middle English: from Old French arguer, from Latin argutariprattle’, frequentative of argueremake clear, prove, accuse’.