REVERE stresses deference and tenderness of feeling.
e.g. a professor revered by her students
REVERENCE presupposes an intrinsic merit and inviolability in the one honored and a similar depth of feeling in the one honoring.
e.g. reverenced the academy's code of honor
VENERATE implies a holding as holy or sacrosanct because of character, association, or age.
e.g. heroes still venerated
e.g. worships their memory
ADORE implies love and stresses the notion of an individual and personal attachment.
e.g. we adored our doctor
【神・神聖なものなどに対する】崇拝 «of»
礼拝(式), 参拝
e.g. the
church was opened for public worship.
【人・物に対する】(時に盲目的な)賛美, 礼賛; 尊敬(の念) «of»
e.g. our society’s worship of teenagers.
your/his/her Worship:⦅主に英・かたく⦆ 閣下 (!市長・判事などに対する敬称; yourは直接呼びかけるときに, his, herは間接的にさし示すときに用いる)
e.g. we were soon joined by His Worship the Mayor.
e.g. the Maya built jungle
pyramids to worship their gods.
〈人が〉礼拝をする, に行く
〈人が〉…を賛美, 尊敬する
e.g. she adores her sons and they worship her.