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>崇敬(すうけい、英語: veneration)とは、一般的に「崇め敬うこと」を意味する。キリスト教の中でもカトリック教会では、本来の信仰対象である三位一体の神、すなわち「父なる神」と「御子イエス・キリスト」と「聖霊」に対する信仰と区別して、人間である聖母マリアや聖人たちに対して使用する宗教概念・用語である
point REVERE, REVERENCE, VENERATE, WORSHIP, ADORE mean to honor and admire profoundly and respectfully.
REVERE stresses deference and tenderness of feeling.
e.g. a professor revered by her students
REVERENCE presupposes an intrinsic merit and inviolability in the one honored and a similar depth of feeling in the one honoring.
e.g. reverenced the academy's code of honor
VENERATE implies a holding as holy or sacrosanct because of character, association, or age.
e.g. heroes still venerated
WORSHIP implies homage usually expressed in words or ceremony.
e.g. worships their memory
ADORE implies love and stresses the notion of an individual and personal attachment.
e.g. we adored our doctor

verb with object
⦅かたく⦆ «…として» 〈高齢者・聖なるもの・由緒ある事物など〉をあがめる, 尊ぶ «as»
e.g. Mother Teresa is venerated as a saint.

venerator |ˈvenəˌrādər| noun

early 17th century (earlier (Middle English) as veneration): from Latin venerat-adored, revered’, from the verb venerari.