generated at

point ROUGH, HARSH, UNEVEN, RUGGED, SCABROUS mean not smooth or even.
ROUGH implies points, bristles, ridges, or projections on the surface.
e.g. a rough wooden board
HARSH implies a surface or texture distinctly unpleasant to the touch.
e.g. a harsh fabric that chafes the skin
UNEVEN implies a lack of uniformity in height, breadth, or quality.
e.g. an old house with uneven floors
RUGGED implies irregularity or roughness of land surface and connotes difficulty of travel.
e.g. a rugged landscape
SCABROUS implies scaliness or prickliness of surface.
e.g. a scabrous leaf

1. having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level:
〈表面が〉ざらざらした, でこぼこの, きめの粗い(↔ smooth); 〈頭髪などが〉もじゃもじゃの, 毛むくじゃらの
e.g. they had to carry the victim across the rough, stony ground
e.g. her skin felt dry and rough.
denoting the face of a tennis or squash racket from which the loops formed in the stringing process project (used as a call when the racket is spun to decide the right to serve first or to choose ends). The opposite of smooth.
2. (of a person or their behavior) not gentle; violent or boisterous:
〈人・行動などが〉乱暴な, 粗暴な; 無作法な, 乱れた; «…に対して» 手荒な «with» ; 〈仕事などが〉力を要する; 〈スポーツなどが〉荒々しい, 激しい
e.g. strollers should be capable of withstanding rough treatment.
〈場所などが〉物騒な, 危険な
e.g. the workmen hate going to the rough areas of town.
(of weather or the sea) wild and stormy:
〈海・天候などが〉荒れ狂う, 荒れた
e.g. the lifeboat crew braved rough seas to rescue a couple.
〈構造・設備などが〉簡素な, 粗末な
e.g. the customers sat at rough wooden tables.
e.g. he had one arm in a rough sling.
自然のままの; 〈宝石などが〉未加工の; 〈土地などが〉未開の.
e.g. she took care of him in her rough, kindly way.
e.g. he had a rough draft of his new novel.
4. (of a voice) harsh and rasping:
〈声・音などが〉荒々しい; 耳ざわりな.
e.g. his voice was rough with barely suppressed fury.
(of wine or another alcoholic drink) sharp or harsh in taste.
5. informal difficult and unpleasant or unfair:
⦅英・くだけて⦆ 【人にとって】酷な, 厳しい «on»
e.g. the teachers gave me a rough time because my image didn't fit
e.g. the first day of a job is rough on everyone.
as complement unwell:
〖通例名詞の前で〗つらい, 苦しい〈時など〉
e.g. the altitude had hit her and she was feeling rough.

adverb informal
乱暴に, 荒っぽく〈話す・扱うなど〉; 大ざっぱに
e.g. treat ’em rough but treat ’em fair.

⦅主に英・くだけて⦆ ごろつき, 乱暴者
2. (on a golf course) longer grass around the fairway and the green:
〖the ~〗 〘ゴルフ〙 ラフ〘草の刈りそろえられていない部分〙
e.g. his second shot was in the rough on the left.
下書き, 素描
e.g. I did a rough to work out the scale of the lettering.

verb with object
1. work or shape (something) in a rough, preliminary fashion:
…を荒らす, でこぼこ[ざらざら]にする; 〈髪など〉をぼさぼさにする, かき乱す.
e.g. flat surfaces of wood are roughed down.
⦅英⦆ A〈絵・計画など〉を大ざっぱに描く[練る].
e.g. the engineer roughed out a diagram on his notepad.
e.g. rough up the icing with a palette knife
e.g. the water was roughed by the wind.
2. (rough it) informal live in discomfort with only basic necessities:
⦅ややくだけて⦆ (キャンプなどで)不自由[不便]な生活をする
e.g. she had had to rough it alone in a dive.

informal a male sexual partner whose toughness or lack of sophistication is a source of attraction.

1. in a natural state; without decoration or other treatment:
e.g. a diamond in the rough.
2. in difficulties:
e.g. even before the recession hit, the project was in the rough.

crude but effective:
e.g. a rough-and-ready estimating method.
(of a person or place) unsophisticated or unrefined.

having a few imperfections:
e.g. until we clean up and lay down the new carpet, it's going to look a little rough around the edges.
not refined:
e.g. Donnie is a bit rough around the edges, but she loves him.

a scolding:
e.g. you two stop quarreling or you'll get the rough edge of my tongue.

small imperfections in someone or something that is basically satisfactory.

rough justice |ˌrəf ˈjəstəs |
treatment that is not scrupulously fair or in accordance with the law.

a journey over rough sea.
a difficult process of achieving something or of becoming successful:
e.g. the rough passage faced by the legislation.

see ride.

boisterous or violent behavior.

British sleep in uncomfortable conditions, typically outdoors.

accept the difficult or unpleasant aspects of life as well as the good.

informal beat someone up.

roughish adjective

Old English rūh, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch ruw and German rauh.