generated at
point 職業
occupation: 職業をさす最も一般的な語で, 正式な文書などにも使うやや堅い語
profession: 医師・弁護士・教師など知的な専門知識や訓練を必要とする職業
trade: 技術や熟練を要求する職業
vocation: 利害を離れ社会に貢献する職業
career: 一生たずさわる, または経歴になるほど長くたずさわる職業
job: 賃金をもらってする仕事・勤め口
work: 職業や勤務だけでなく, 労働・作業・任務など幅広い意味を持つ一般的な語
business: 商業や経済, 生産と関わる仕事. 複合語で用いられることが多い

source: [たまこまーけっとの北白川たまこの父親がもちをこねるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 933721]

1. the action of buying and selling goods and services:
«…との/…間の/商品の» (国内外の)取引, 貿易, 通商 «with/between/in» (!businessより大きな取引で, さらに大規模なものはcommerce)
e.g. a move to ban all trade in ivory
e.g. a significant increase in foreign trade
e.g. the meat trade.
dated, chiefly derogatory the practice of making one's living in business, as opposed to in a profession or from unearned income:
e.g. the aristocratic classes were contemptuous of those in trade.
〘スポーツ〙 (選手の)交換, トレード
e.g. players can demand a trade after five years of service.
2. a skilled job, typically one requiring manual skills and special training:
(特に手を使う)職業, (熟練を要する)仕事
e.g. the fundamentals of the construction trade
e.g. a carpenter by trade.
(the trade) treated as singular or plural the people engaged in a particular area of business:
〖the ~; 複合語で〗 …業
e.g. in the trade this sort of computer is called “a client-based system.”.
British treated as singular or plural (the trade) people licensed to sell alcoholic drink.
informal a person in gay male sexual encounters who is not penetrated sexually and usually considers himself to be heterosexual.
3. (usually trades) a trade wind:
〖the ~〗 貿易風(trade wind, trade winds).
e.g. the north-east trades.

1. no object buy and sell goods and services:
〈人・会社・国などが〉 «…と» 貿易する, 取引する «with» ; 【品物を】売買する «in» ; 商売する
e.g. middlemen trading in luxury goods.
with object buy or sell (a particular item or product):
e.g. she has traded millions of dollars' worth of metals.
(especially of shares or currency) be bought and sold at a specified price:
e.g. the dollar was trading where it was in January.
2. with object exchange (something) for something else, typically as a commercial transaction:
⦅主に米⦆ 【人と/物と】〈物〉を交換する «with/for»
e.g. they trade mud-shark livers for fish oil
e.g. the hostages were traded for arms.
give and receive (something, typically insults or blows):
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 【人と】〈侮辱・打撃など〉を浴びせ合う «with» (!目的語は通例〖名詞〗の複数形)
e.g. they traded a few punches.
〘スポーツ〙 «…と» 〈選手〉をトレードする «for» ; ⦅くだけて⦆ 〈人〉と交換をする

US change places.

sell something in order to buy something similar but less (or more) expensive.

trade something in
exchange a used article in part payment for another: she traded in her Ford for a BMW.

trade something off
exchange something of value, especially as part of a compromise: the government traded off economic advantages for political gains.

take advantage of (something), especially in an unfair way: the government is trading on fears of inflation.

tradable | ˈtrādəb(ə)l | (or tradeable) adjective

late Middle English (as a noun): from Middle Low German, literally ‘track’, of West Germanic origin; related to tread. Early senses included ‘course, way of life’, which gave rise in the 16th century to ‘habitual practice of an occupation’, ‘skilled handicraft’. The current verb senses date from the late 16th century.