generated at

point 群れ
group: 一定のつながりを持った人や動物の集団
crowd: 人の集団。群衆
herd: 獣の群れ
flock: 鳥、羊の群れ
school: 魚の群れ
swarm: 虫の群れ
pack: 猟犬・オオカミの群れ
pride: ライオンの群れ
flight: 飛んでいる鳥の群れ
drove: 移動中の羊・ウシなどの家畜の群れ
troop: 移動中のサル、アリなどの群れ

a large or dense group of insects, especially flying ones.
〖しばしばa ~ of A〗 A〈昆虫・動物など〉の群れ, 大群
a large number of honeybees that leave a hive en masse with a newly fertilized queen in order to establish a new colony.
(すばやく動き回る人の)群れ, 群衆, 大勢
e.g. a swarm of journalists.
a series of similar-sized earthquakes occurring together, typically near a volcano.
Astronomy a large number of minor celestial objects occurring together in space, especially a dense shower of meteors.

1. no object (of insects) move in or form a swarm:
〖~+副詞〗 〈人・昆虫が〉群がって移動する; 群がる; うようよする (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現)
e.g. (as adjective swarming) : swarming locusts.
(of honeybees, ants, or termites) issue from the nest in large numbers with a newly fertilized queen in order to found new colonies:
〈ミツバチなどが〉群がって巣別れする; «…から» 群がって行く[飛ぶ] «out of»
e.g. the bees had swarmed and left the hive.
2. no object, with adverbial move somewhere in large numbers:
e.g. protesters were swarming into the building.
(swarm with) (of a place) be crowded or overrun with (moving people or things):
〖通例be ~ing〗 〈場所が〉 【移動する人・動物の群れなどで】いっぱいになる «with»
e.g. the place was swarming with police.

climb (something) rapidly by gripping it with one's hands and feet, alternately hauling and pushing oneself upward:
e.g. I swarmed up the mast.

Old English swearm (noun), of Germanic origin; related to German Schwarm, probably also to the base of Sanskrit svaratiit sounds’.