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1. a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.
(鳥・昆虫・小動物の)巣, 巣穴
a place where an insect or other animal breeds or shelters:
e.g. an ants' nest.
a bowl-shaped object likened to a bird's nest:
e.g. arrange in nests of lettuce leaves.
家, すみか; 心地よい[くつろげる]場所, (人目につかず安全な)休息の地, 避難場所
2. a place filled with or frequented by undesirable people or things:
(悪党の)巣窟, 隠れ場, (犯罪の)温床
e.g. a nest of spies.
3. a set of similar objects of graduated sizes, made so that each smaller one fits into the next in size for storage:
e.g. a nest of tables.

1. no object (of a bird or other animal) use or build a nest:
〈鳥などが〉 «…に» 巣を作る; 巣ごもりする «in, on»
e.g. the owls often nest in barns
e.g. (as adjective nesting) : do not disturb nesting birds.
2. with object fit (an object or objects) inside a larger one:
〈物が〉 «…に» ぴったりはまる, 入れ子になる «into» .
e.g. the town is nested inside a large crater on the flanks of a volcano.
no object (of a set of objects) fit inside one another:
〈物〉を入れ子にする, 重ね合わせる (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. Russian dolls that nest inside one another.
(especially in computing and linguistics) place (an object or element) in a hierarchical arrangement, typically in a subordinate position:
e.g. (as adjective nested) : organisms classified in a series of nested sets.

nestful |-ˌfo͝ol| noun (plural nestfuls)
nestlike |-ˌlīk| adjective

Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Latin nidus, from the Indo-European bases of nether (meaning ‘down’) and sit.