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>I'd say they are usually interchangeable, with one exception. Sullen can describe a person's attitude for the moment or over a long period of time. A person can normally be sullen.
>If a person is sulky, it is usually something that was only recently and temporarily brought on by some specific event. Even in the rare instances where it's used to describe a long-term attitude, it still usually implies that it is the result of some specific event or events, whereas sullen doesn't imply anything about the cause.
>Someone may be sullen because something bad happened, or they may just have a normally sullen outlook on life for no reason in particular.

bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy: 機嫌が悪く、むくれた; 陰鬱な;
〈人が〉むっつりとした, おし黙った; すねた; 気難しい(性格の); 〈表情・雰囲気などが〉不機嫌そうな
e.g. a sullen pout.: むっつりとしたふくれっ面
(of the sky) full of dark clouds:(空が)暗い雲に満ちている
⦅文⦆ 〈空・天候などが〉暗い, うっとうしい, 不快な, どんよりした.
e.g. a sullen sunless sky.: どんよりした空

noun (the sullens) archaic
a sulky or depressed mood.: 機嫌が悪い、気落ちした雰囲気

sullenly | ˈsələnlē | adverb
sullenness | ˈsələnnəs | noun

Middle English (in the senses ‘solitary, averse to company’, and ‘unusual’): from Anglo-Norman French sulein, from solsole’.