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gloom +‎ -y

point DISMAL, DREARY, BLEAK, GLOOMY, CHEERLESS, DESOLATE mean devoid of cheer or comfort.
DISMAL indicates extreme and utterly depressing gloominess.
e.g. dismal weather
DREARY, often interchangeable with dismal, emphasizes discouragement resulting from sustained dullness or futility.
e.g. a dreary job
BLEAK suggests chill, dull, and barren characteristics that utterly dishearten.
e.g. the bleak years of the depression
GLOOMY often suggests lack of hope or promise.
e.g. gloomy war news
CHEERLESS stresses absence of anything cheering.
e.g. a drab and cheerless office
DESOLATE adds an element of utter remoteness or lack of human contact to any already disheartening aspect.
e.g. a desolate outpost

point SULLEN, GLUM, MOROSE, SURLY, SULKY, CRABBED, SATURNINE, GLOOMY mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood.
SULLEN implies a silent ill humor and a refusal to be sociable.
e.g. remained sullen amid the festivities
GLUM suggests a silent dispiritedness.
e.g. a glum candidate left to ponder a stunning defeat
MOROSE adds to GLUM an element of bitterness or misanthropy.
e.g. morose job seekers who are inured to rejection
SURLY implies gruffness and sullenness of speech or manner.
e.g. a typical surly teenager
SULKY suggests childish resentment expressed in peevish sullenness.
e.g. grew sulky after every spat
CRABBED applies to a forbidding morose harshness of manner.
e.g. the school's notoriously crabbed headmaster
SATURNINE describes a heavy forbidding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition.
e.g. a saturnine cynic always finding fault
GLOOMY implies a depression in mood making for seeming sullenness or glumness.
e.g. a gloomy mood ushered in by bad news

adjective (gloomier, gloomiest)
dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening:
〈場所などが〉薄暗い, 陰気な
e.g. a gloomy corridor.
〈人・表情・考えなどが〉悲観的な, 陰鬱な, 憂鬱な
e.g. I am by no means gloomy about the prospects for domestic industry.
causing distress or depression:
〈事態・状況などが〉期待の持てない, 暗い
e.g. a gloomy atmosphere.

gloomily |ˈɡlo͞oməlē| adverb
gloominess |ˈɡlo͞omēnəs| noun