generated at
[*** \mathrm{shore}^1] | SHôr |

point 海岸
shore 最も一般的な語. 特に海から見た岸をさす
seashore 特に岸の砂や岩のある部分をさす
beach 砂や小石に覆われた浜辺をさす. ⦅米⦆ では通例 the をつけ, 行楽地としての意味を持っている.
seaside ⦅英⦆ で行楽地としての海岸地帯をさす
coast 海と陸の境界線をさす. 特に地理的・地誌的な文脈で多く用いる

the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water: 海、湖、他の大きな水域の端に沿った陸地
(海・湖・広い河川の)岸, 岸辺, 海浜, 湖畔; (海に対する・船から見た)陸(地), 陸(おか)
e.g. I took the tiller and made for the shore.: 私は舵柄を取って岸に向かった。
Law the land between ordinary high- and low-water marks.: 通常の満潮線と最低水位標識の間の陸地
(usually shores) a country or other geographic area bounded by a coast: 海岸と境を接している国や他の地理的な地域
⦅文⦆ ; 〖~s; 修飾語を伴って〗 (海岸線を持った)国, 大陸
e.g. the shores of the New World.: 新世界の大陸

ashore; on land: 浜に; 陸上に
e.g. are any of the crew left on shore?: 岸に残っている乗組員はいるか
off shore: 岸を離れて、沖合に

shoreless | ˈSHôrləs | adjective
shoreward | ˈSHôrwərd | adjective & adverb
shorewards | ˈSHôrwərdz | adverb

Middle English: from Middle Dutch, Middle Low German schōre; perhaps related to the verb shear.

[*** \mathrm{shore}^2] | SHôr |

a prop or beam set obliquely against something weak or unstable as a support.

verb with object (shore something up)
support or hold up something with props or beams:
e.g. rescue workers had to shore up the building, which was in danger of collapse.
support or assist something that would otherwise fail or decline:
e.g. Congress approved a $700 billion plan to shore up the financial industry.

Middle English: from Middle Dutch, Middle Low German schore ‘prop’, of unknown origin.

[** \mathrm{shore}^3] | SHôr |
archaic past of shear.