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[*** \mathrm{rush}^1] |rəSH|

1. no object, with adverbial of direction move with urgent haste:
〖rush+副詞〗 〈人・動物・車などが〉大急ぎで行く, 突進する (!(1)〖副詞〗は方向などの表現. (2)hurryよりあわただしい動きを表し, dashはさらに全速で突進すること)
e.g. Jason rushed after her
e.g. I rushed outside and hailed a taxi.
(of air or a liquid) flow strongly:
e.g. the water rushed in through the great oaken gates.
〖rush to do〗 急いで…する; «…を» あわててする, (よく考えず)急いでする «into, in, to» (!〖前置詞〗の後は〖名詞〗〖動名〗)
e.g. as soon as the campaign started they rushed into action
e.g. with infinitive : shoppers rushed to buy computers.
with object force (someone) to act hastily:
〈人が〉〈人〉をせきたてる; 〖~ A into B/doing〗 A〈人〉に急いでB〈事〉を[…することを]させる
e.g. I don't want to rush you into something.
with object and adverbial of direction take (someone) somewhere with great haste:
〖~ A+副詞〗 〈人が〉A〈人・物〉を急いで送る (!〖副詞〗は方向などの表現)
e.g. an ambulance was waiting to rush him to the hospital.
with two objects deliver (something) quickly to (someone):
e.g. we'll rush you a copy at once.
e.g. a rewritten textbook was rushed out last autumn.
with object deal with (something) hurriedly:
e.g. panic measures were rushed through Congress.
2. with object dash toward (someone or something) in an attempt to attack or capture:
(集団で)〈敵など〉を急襲する; …を占領する
e.g. he rushed the stronghold.
〘アメフト〙 (ボールを持って)…を突破する
e.g. a linebacker who was gifted in rushing the quarterback.
no object gain a specified amount of yardage or score a touchdown or conversion by running from scrimmage with the ball:
e.g. he rushed for 100 yards on 22 carries.
3. with object US entertain (a new student) in order to assess their suitability for membership in a college fraternity or sorority.
⦅米⦆ (歓待するなどして)〈大学の新入生〉をクラブに勧誘する
(of a student) visit (a college fraternity or sorority) with a view toward joining it:
e.g. he rushed three fraternities.

1. a sudden quick movement toward something, typically by a number of people:
e.g. there was a rush for the door.
e.g. she felt a rush of cold air.
e.g. the pre-Christmas rush
e.g. as modifier : a rush job.
〖単数形で〗 «…を求めての» 殺到, 需要の激増 «for, on»
e.g. there's been a rush on the Tribune because of the murder.
e.g. Mark felt a rush of anger.
informal a sudden thrill or feeling of euphoria such as experienced after taking certain drugs:
⦅くだけて⦆ (麻薬などによる)快感
e.g. users experience a rush.
2. American Football a rapid advance by a defensive player or players, especially toward the quarterback.
〘アメフト〙 ラッシュ〘ボールを持って敵陣を突破するランニングプレー〙
an act of running from scrimmage with the ball to gain yardage.
3. (rushes) the first prints made of a movie after a period of shooting:
⦅英⦆ ; 〖通例~es〗 〘映〙 ラッシュ〘編集・下見用プリント〙
e.g. after the shoot the agency team will see the rushes.
⦅米⦆ (新入生の)クラブ勧誘(時期)
e.g. ranking pledges during rush
e.g. as modifier : rush week.

late Middle English: from an Anglo-Norman French variant of Old French ruserdrive back’, an early sense of the word in English (see ruse).

[*** \mathrm{rush}^2] |rəSH|

1. an erect, tufted marsh or waterside plant resembling a sedge or grass, with inconspicuous greenish or brownish flowers. Widely distributed in temperate areas, some kinds are used for matting, chair seats, and baskets.
>Genus Juncus, family Juncaceae.
〖~es〗 〘植〙 イグサ, トウシンソウ
used in names of plants of wet habitats that are similar to rushes, e.g. flowering rush.
a stem of a rush plant.
rushes used as a material:
e.g. he worked on the leaks in the hull, using bundles of rush.
2. archaic a thing of no value (used for emphasis):
〖通例否定文で〗価値のない物, わずか
e.g. not one of them is worth a rush.

rushlike |-ˌlīk| adjective
rushy adjective