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1. |əˈfensiv| causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry:
«…に対して» 〈言葉・態度などが〉失礼な, けしからぬ, 侮辱的な «to» (↔ inoffensive)
e.g. the allegations made are deeply offensive to us
e.g. offensive language.
⦅かたく⦆ «…にとって» 不快な «to»
e.g. an offensive odor.
2. |ˈäfensiv| attributive actively aggressive; attacking:
攻撃側の〈選手など〉(↔ defensive)
e.g. offensive operations against the insurgents.
(of a weapon) meant for use in attack:
⦅かたく⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗(軍事的に)攻撃用の(↔ defensive)
e.g. he is also accused of possessing an offensive weapon.
chiefly North American (in a game) relating to the team or player who is seeking to score.
⦅米⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗〘スポーツ〙 攻撃的な〈試合・戦術など〉

noun |əˈfensiv|
⦅かたく⦆ «…に対する» 攻撃, 攻勢 «against»
e.g. an impending military offensive against the guerrillas.
an organized and forceful campaign to achieve something, typically a political or social end:
e.g. the need to launch an offensive against crime.

act or be ready to act aggressively.

take the initiative by beginning to attack or act aggressively:
e.g. security forces took the offensive ten days ago.

offensiveness |əˈfensivnəs| noun

mid 16th century: from French offensif, -ive or medieval Latin offensivus, from Latin offens-struck against’, from the verb offendere (see offend).