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an area of territory owned or controlled by a ruler or government:
(特に過去の)領地, 領土; 勢力範囲
e.g. the southwestern French domains of the Plantagenets.
a specified sphere of activity or knowledge:
(活動・関心・知識などの)分野, 領域, 範囲.
e.g. the expanding domain of psychology
e.g. figurative : visual communication is the domain of the graphic designer.
〘物理〙 磁区
Computing a distinct subset of the Internet with addresses sharing a common suffix or under the control of a particular organization or individual.
〘コンピュ〙 ドメイン〘ネットワークに接続されている組織などのグループ〙
〘数〙 変域, 領域

late Middle English (denoting heritable or landed property): from French domaine, alteration (by association with Latin dominuslord’) of Old French demeinebelonging to a lord’ (see demesne).