generated at

point 出来事
happening, occurrenceは出来事を表す一般語
happening: しばしばその異常さをいう場合に好まれる
occurence: 日常性や非日常性, 頻度の高低をいう場合に好まれる
accident: 事故など予期せず起こる, 通例不快な出来事をいい, 殺人や窃盗など人の意思によって起こることには用いない
event: 比較的重要な出来事
incident: eventに付随する比較的些細な出来事をいい, しばしば控えめ表現として戦争・暴動などに発展しうる事件にも用いる

1. an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury:
事故; 災難; 故障
e.g. he had an accident at the factory
e.g. if you are unable to work owing to accident or sickness
e.g. as modifier : an accident investigator.
a crash involving road or other vehicles, typically one that causes serious damage or injury:
e.g. four people were killed in a car accident.
euphemistic used euphemistically to refer to an incidence of incontinence, typically by a child or an animal.
2. an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause:
偶然; 思いがけない出来事
e.g. the pregnancy was an accident
e.g. it is no accident that my tale features a tragic romance.
偶発[非本質]的性質; 偶然発生した物[生物]
e.g. my faith is an accident of birth, not a matter of principled commitment
e.g. he came to Harvard largely through accident.
3. Philosophy (in Aristotelian thought) a property of a thing which is not essential to its nature.

1. a potentially disastrous situation, typically caused by negligent or faulty procedures.
2. a person certain to cause trouble.

unintentionally; by chance:
e.g. she didn't get where is today by accident.

however careful you try to be, it is inevitable that some unfortunate or unforeseen events will occur:
e.g. problems like these should not occur, but accidents will happen.

late Middle English (in the general sense ‘an event’): via Old French from Latin accident-happening’, from the verb accidere, from ad-towards, to’ + cadere ‘to fall’.