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point 思い出す
remember: 本義は「覚えている」こと. 時に人名・過去の体験などを自然に思い出すことをさす
e.g. I can't remember his name at all.: 彼の名前がちっとも思い出せない
recall: 意図的に思い出そうとすること. 他に比べてやや堅い語.
e.g. I later recalled how kind she was to me.: 後になって, 彼女がいかに親切だったか思い出した
be reminded: 何らかの理由・きっかけによって, 思い出すこと.
e.g. I was reminded of her kindness how kind she was, that she was kind.: 彼女の親切を思い出した

point REMEMBER, RECOLLECT, RECALL, REMIND, REMINISCE mean to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind.
REMEMBER implies a keeping in memory that may be effortless or unwilled.
e.g. remembers that day as though it were yesterday
RECOLLECT implies a bringing back to mind what is lost or scattered.
e.g. as near as I can recollect
RECALL suggests an effort to bring back to mind and often to re-create in speech.
e.g. can't recall the words of the song
REMIND suggests a jogging of one's memory by an association or similarity.
e.g. that reminds me of a story
REMINISCE implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone.
e.g. old college friends like to reminisce

verb |rəˈkôl| with object
1. bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind, especially so as to recount it to others; remember:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉〈人・物・事〉を思い出す(remember); 〖recall doing〗 〈人が〉…したことを思い出す
e.g. I can still vaguely recall being taken to the hospital
〖recall (that)節/wh節〗 〈人が〉…ということを[…かを]思い出す
e.g. with clause : he recalled how he felt at the time
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と思い出す
e.g. with direct speech : “He was awfully fond of teasing people,” she recalled.
cause one to remember or think of:
〈物・事が〉…を思い出させる (!進行形にしない)
e.g. the film's analysis of contemporary concerns recalls The Big Chill.
(recall someone/something to) bring the memory or thought of someone or something to (a person or their mind):
e.g. the smell of a black-currant bush has ever since recalled to me that evening.
〘コンピュ〙 〈人が〉〈情報〉を呼び出す
2. officially order (someone) to return to a place:
〈人が〉 «…から/…へ» 〈人〉を呼び戻す, 召還する, 復帰させる «from/to»
e.g. the Panamanian ambassador was recalled from Peru.
select (a sports player) as a member of a team from which they have previously been dropped:
e.g. the Fulham defender has been recalled to the Welsh squad for the World Cup.
(of a manufacturer) request all the purchasers of (a certain product) to return it, as the result of the discovery of a fault.
〈会社が〉〈不良品など〉を回収する, リコールする
bring (someone) out of a state of inattention or reverie:
e.g. her action recalled him to the present.
archaic revoke or annul (an action or decision).

noun |ˈrēˌkôl, rēˈkôl|
1. an act or instance of officially recalling someone or something:
〖単数形で〗(公式の)帰国[復帰, 召還]命令; ⦅英⦆ (チームへの)復帰
e.g. a recall of Parliament.
⦅米⦆ リコール〘住民投票による解職〙
2. the action or faculty of remembering something learned or experienced:
記憶力, 思い出す能力[こと]
e.g. he has amazing recall
e.g. people's understanding and subsequent recall of stories or events.
the proportion of the number of relevant documents retrieved from a database in response to an inquiry.

in such a way that restoration is impossible:
e.g. shopping developments have already blighted other parts of the city beyond recall.

recallable |rəˈkôləb(ə)l| adjective

late 16th century (as a verb): from re-again’ + call, suggested by Latin revocare or French rappelercall back’.