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PUNISH implies subjecting to a penalty for wrongdoing.
e.g. punished for stealing
CHASTISE may apply to either the infliction of corporal punishment or to verbal censure or denunciation.
e.g. chastised his son for neglecting his studies
CASTIGATE usually implies a severe, typically public censure.
e.g. an editorial castigating the entire city council
e.g. chastened by a landslide election defeat
DISCIPLINE implies a punishing or chastening in order to bring under control.
e.g. parents must discipline their children
CORRECT implies punishing aimed at reforming an offender.
e.g. the function of prison is to correct the wrongdoer
verb with object
〈気性・感情など〉を和らげる, 抑制する
e.g. the director was somewhat chastened by his recent flops.
〈人〉を懲らしめる, 罰する.