>The core principle behind the concept of retroactive public goods funding is simple: it’s easier to agree on what was useful than what will be useful. The former is still often a source of disagreement, but it’s a type of disagreement where you could still get reasonably good top-level judgements by using some existing voting mechanism (eg. quadratic voting or even regular voting). The latter is much more challenging. For the profit-making sector, the best that we can do is to build out an ecosystem where people can create startups and invest in them, and get rewarded if they end up correct. So rather than reinventing the wheel entirely, we will create a public-goods-oriented version of the exact same mechanism.
? なぜ過去に遡って価値・効果の判断をするか
OptimismのFeePoolについてではなく、「任意の自治体や国家の税収」についてResults OracleでRetroactive Funding (=Futarchy)する場合、民主主義なら1人1票でResults Oracleの議決を分配することになります。投資による投票はProject Tokenの購入の部分で、別ですね。
>かちおくんの言う「市場の失敗」はResult Oracleの議決権を1人1票ではなくしたときからチラつきはじめますね。少数の議決権じゃに賄賂やキックバックを試みたり、そもそも金持ちに議決権を与える形になったり、ですね。