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solve: 数式のように正しい答えを見つけること
resolve: 問題を決着させること。必ずしもベストな答えとは限らない。
>First of all, resolve has several meanings. There is one meaning that is clearly closest to solve, which I will assume is the one you want to differentiate.
> So: When you resolve something (a problem, an issue, a question), you deal with it conclusively. You have finished it, it is done, there is nothing left to concern yourself about. This is not to say, however, that your handling of the matter was ideal, nor even necessarily satisfactory; there are many possible ways that the thing could have been dealt with, you picked one and saw it through.
> When you solve something, you find (and presumably implement) a solution to it. This means that you have dealt with it successfully, finding what was quite possibly the only way (or at most one of a few ways) to succeed.
>The issue has been resolved, although none of us is happy with the final outcome.
> The question has been solved; the correct answer is posted for all to see.

verb with object
find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a problem or mystery): (問題や謎)の答え、説明、解決する効果的な方法を見つける
e.g. the policy could solve the town's housing crisis: その政策は街の住宅危機を解決するかもしれない
e.g. a murder investigation that has never been solved: 未だ解決されていない殺人の捜査

solvable | ˈsälvəb(ə)l | adjective
solver | ˈsälvər | noun

late Middle English (in the sense ‘loosen, dissolve, untie’): from Latin solvereloosen, unfasten’.