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1. no object return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength:
〈人が〉 【病気・けが・苦しみから】回復する, 元気になる «from»
e.g. Neil is still recovering from shock
〈国・経済などが〉 【苦しい状況から】立ち直る, 復興[復旧]する «from»
e.g. the economy has begun to recover.
(be recovered) (of a person) be well again:
e.g. you'll be fully recovered before you know it.
2. with object find or regain possession of (something stolen or lost):
〈人が〉 «…から» 〈失ったものなど〉を取り戻す, 回収[奪回]する(retrieve) «from»
e.g. police recovered a stolen video.
〈人が〉〈健康・正常状態など〉を取り戻す, 回復する
e.g. he recovered his balance and sped on
e.g. one hour later I had recovered consciousness.
regain or secure (compensation) by means of a legal process or subsequent profits:
〈人が〉 «…から» 〈費用・損失など〉を全額取り戻す, 回収する; (勝訴して)〈損害賠償など〉を取る «from» .
e.g. many companies recovered their costs within six months.
〘スポーツ〙 (アメフト・サッカーなどで)〈人・チームなどが〉〈ボール・リードなど〉を取り戻す.
e.g. the French recovered the lead.
〈土地など〉を干拓する, 埋め立てる; (廃物から)〈有用な物質〉を利用する

a defined position of a firearm forming part of a military drill:
e.g. bring the firelock to the recover.


Middle English (originally with reference to health): from Anglo-Norman French recoverer, from Latin recuperareget again’.