generated at

1. having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked:
〖be ~〗 〈人が〉気短で; 【行動・人などに】いらいらしている, 我慢できない «with, at»(↔ patient)
e.g. an impatient motorist blaring his horn
e.g. she was impatient with any restriction.
predicative (impatient of) intolerant of:
⦅ややかたく⦆ «…に» 耐えがたい «of»
e.g. a man impatient of bureaucracy.
〖be impatient for A〗 〈人が〉A〈ニュース・結果など〉を待ち遠しく思う
e.g. they are impatient for change
〖be ~ to do〗 〈人が〉しきりに…したがる(anxious); 〖be ~ for A to do〗 〈人が〉A〈人・物・事〉が…することを待ち望んでいる
e.g. with infinitive : he was impatient to be on his way.

late Middle English (in the senses ‘lacking patience’ and ‘unbearable’): via Old French from Latin impatient-not bearing, impatient’, from in-not’ + patisuffer, bear’.